Booze booze moose :D been a while now since my last post (I know I said that last time but it's true :)) anyhow as the topic says I'm at a LAN-party with my friends here at school. One week has passed and I think that the party is about to end, :( but hey I'm not disapointed... that much. We played some great oldschool games like StarCraft (since that is about the best that my laptop can handle). I haven't gotten my motherboard for my stationary computer yet but it is on it's way (atleast that is what they have told me from the retail seller), so I'll probably have my new Core 2 Duo computer assembled at the end of this week (I hope).
School has started and it's going pretty well, we have like one class a week to attend to hehe, but we got laboratory experiment to do aswell. But I'm thinking of going back home to Stockholm this weekend that's coming up, depending on how much I have to do on my labratory experiment. As for this week that has passed I have almost finished the assignment, the assignment was/is to write a paper about Euler angles vs. Quaternions.
I still haven't seen the new Fast and Furious movie yet, I don't know why with all this spare time I should be able to squeez in some time for the movie. Anyhow I think I'll be going this week, maybe now on monday :) guess I'll be going alone since my friends probably have seen it or don't want to see it. That also gets me thinking of the Need For Speed: Underground game that I almost have finished, and the same is with the NFSU2 game. I don't know why but I always try out the new games when they come but I seem not to finish them or I just don't find the time to finish them because something else pops up, or a friend wants to hang out. And I'm not that kind of person that says no to hanging out just because there is a new game out that I haven't played through yet, so there is probably my answer ;)
Well thats all for now,
Smell ya l8ter :)