So finally the big day has come and we are now ready to go to the airport, yaye! This blogg today is getting short since we don't have so much time left before we have to go, time is now 7.10 AM. Going to go about 7.15 AM and then the great jurney begins. That journey sickness/nervousness is gone (as I suspected). I'm going to take some pictures along the way to the states (like documentation) and if I get a chance I'll update the blog with some pictures from the trip (during the trip). Ooh well now they are loding up the car with our bags, gotta go.
Catch you later :D
torsdag, december 14, 2006
onsdag, december 13, 2006
Trip trip trip
Oo my gosh! a human being is not supposed to wake up after barely 2 hours of sleep but hey I did it ;) And today is the day I begin my trip towards the states with my baby brother, boy I could sure kill for some coffee right now but I don't have the time to make it. The time is now 4.57 AM and I am supposed to be going to the buss station to catch the buss to the airport around 5 AM (which seems to be about it).
That journey sickness isn't getting better as of right now but I think that tomorrow, when we actually make the trip it will be tetter ;) I set my alarmclock to wake me up at 4.15 AM and I snoozed it only once, then I got up and started my computer, took off the bed clothing and started making myself ready for the trip. Oh there the clock just turned 5 AM, time to go to the buss station. I'll write soon again once I'm in Stockholm.
Over and out!
That journey sickness isn't getting better as of right now but I think that tomorrow, when we actually make the trip it will be tetter ;) I set my alarmclock to wake me up at 4.15 AM and I snoozed it only once, then I got up and started my computer, took off the bed clothing and started making myself ready for the trip. Oh there the clock just turned 5 AM, time to go to the buss station. I'll write soon again once I'm in Stockholm.
Over and out!
tisdag, december 12, 2006
Journey nervousness
And so it has come down to be only 1 single day left before I start my trip to the states. I haven't packed my bags yet (going to do it as I type this blogg), alot has happend since my last post. I have been working kinda hard in school so I can take the time off and really relax when I am visiting my big brother and his family. One interesting thing is that the project that I and a classmate are working on has gotten a response from a developer at the University of California, we are all excited of this and hope that the information that he is willing to share can aid us very much in our project.
Wooa so now I have packed most of my stuff, got some before and after pictures that I'm gonna upload as soon as I'm finished writing and packing. I only have some minor problems with the packing and that is that I have packed everything but a few presents in one big suitcase, the problem is that I wanted to fit my big backpack in the suitecase to be able to just check-in one case instead of 2 since the backpack is empty. I think I will have to reorganize some stuff to go in the backpack.
I'll be updating this blogg from the states to so who ever wants to read about the trip can do it and see some of the pictures that I will be taking, and now I'm off to bed, since I now only have 3 and a half hour to sleep I think I'm gonna cash in them so I atleast are a bit rested for the big trip :)
Two pictures as promised, one before and one after, enjoy :)

Wooa so now I have packed most of my stuff, got some before and after pictures that I'm gonna upload as soon as I'm finished writing and packing. I only have some minor problems with the packing and that is that I have packed everything but a few presents in one big suitcase, the problem is that I wanted to fit my big backpack in the suitecase to be able to just check-in one case instead of 2 since the backpack is empty. I think I will have to reorganize some stuff to go in the backpack.
I'll be updating this blogg from the states to so who ever wants to read about the trip can do it and see some of the pictures that I will be taking, and now I'm off to bed, since I now only have 3 and a half hour to sleep I think I'm gonna cash in them so I atleast are a bit rested for the big trip :)
Two pictures as promised, one before and one after, enjoy :)
måndag, november 27, 2006
Dreams and Violence
So I went to see the new bond movie this friday (as I wrote in my previous post) and after that me and my friends had some beer and played some games until the early hours of the day. So I have been struggling to turn my day/night clock back to normal, hence get up around 8 am and go to sleep around 12 pm, well last night I had a very strange dream. I dreamt that I was in a fight with some bad guy and suddenly I had a gun in my hand so I fired one shot and hit him, but for some unaccountable reason I decided to start dreaming about my dad (I love my dad very much), and the dream sort of continues in slow motion, and when I see the bullet hitting the bad guy it is actually my dad that got hit.
Since my band is so strong with my father I started crying for what I had done, and I could hear myself weep, and then I woke up with tears running down from my cheek. I figured it was all a bad dream and decided to call my dad once I woke up again. The day goes by and I haven't called my dad, then something freakish happens. My dad pops up out of nowhere on msn and starts talking with me, woundering how I'm doing and so on. I pick up the phone and call him immediately, and so we talk about what's been happening so far in my life and about the trip I'm about to do with my baby brother to the states (all excited!).
We talk for about an hour and then I have to study so I tell him I have to study and he says that he is going downstairs to watch some tv, and so we hang up. After that I felt better, actually I felt alot better as soon as I heard his voice :) I think that the reacent playing of some violent games might have caused me to get in a fight in the first place, why my dad came in to the dream I have no clue. A well from one thing to the other, I just finished playing through Half-Life 2 (again!), and now I'm going to try out Half-Life 2: Episode One and see how that turns out, kinda excited since I love "never" ending stories or stories that after the real big action is done you can go a bit further and see how the aftermath of what you did turned out.
Now I'm off to bed since I have been awake for too long already, I have a written exam in the morning and I hate to get up early, since that is what I'm going to do I should have been asleep atleast around 10 pm. I'm supposed to wake up at 7 am, I'll probably snooze a couple of times and then run to scholl as always ;) Well well nighty then :)
Yours truly!
Since my band is so strong with my father I started crying for what I had done, and I could hear myself weep, and then I woke up with tears running down from my cheek. I figured it was all a bad dream and decided to call my dad once I woke up again. The day goes by and I haven't called my dad, then something freakish happens. My dad pops up out of nowhere on msn and starts talking with me, woundering how I'm doing and so on. I pick up the phone and call him immediately, and so we talk about what's been happening so far in my life and about the trip I'm about to do with my baby brother to the states (all excited!).
We talk for about an hour and then I have to study so I tell him I have to study and he says that he is going downstairs to watch some tv, and so we hang up. After that I felt better, actually I felt alot better as soon as I heard his voice :) I think that the reacent playing of some violent games might have caused me to get in a fight in the first place, why my dad came in to the dream I have no clue. A well from one thing to the other, I just finished playing through Half-Life 2 (again!), and now I'm going to try out Half-Life 2: Episode One and see how that turns out, kinda excited since I love "never" ending stories or stories that after the real big action is done you can go a bit further and see how the aftermath of what you did turned out.
Now I'm off to bed since I have been awake for too long already, I have a written exam in the morning and I hate to get up early, since that is what I'm going to do I should have been asleep atleast around 10 pm. I'm supposed to wake up at 7 am, I'll probably snooze a couple of times and then run to scholl as always ;) Well well nighty then :)
Yours truly!
lördag, november 25, 2006
Movie and some gaming
Yaarrr there maties!
So I have had a fun day today, started with my alarmclock which I snoozed 2 times and the 3rd time I thought I snoozed I acctually turned it off, I was just going to sleep for another 5 more minutes (the time was 8.30 am when this occured), when I woke up again the time was 10.30 (I swear it felt like I had just slept for 5-10 more minutes. Anyhow I get up and rush off to the bathroom to get ready to go to school. When I came to school my lab partner was already there reading about the exam we are about to have on monday in Cisco CCNP1 (not too fun to read about but it's good knowledge). After lunch my lab partner decides that he is done for the week and goes home, so I finish reading what I have started and then I just didn't do very much.
"Time flies when you are having fun" they say, well the time got to 7.45 pm and I and some of my classmates are heading downtown to go see the new bond movie (Casino Royale), damn that movie was mighty good. I highly recommend it (well I am a bond fan after all) ;) When the movie is over we walk to the student pub and hade a few beers, then we went back up to our classroom and sat down to play some computergames. Did that until 4-5 am then we got tired and walked home. So now here I am, sitting here in my wounderful computer chair and typing this blogg. My eyelids are getting extreamly heavy so I think... no I don't think I'm going to hit the sack asap, so I guess I'll write a line or two tomorrow :)
Good night (or god morning since the time is 6.30 am now)!
So I have had a fun day today, started with my alarmclock which I snoozed 2 times and the 3rd time I thought I snoozed I acctually turned it off, I was just going to sleep for another 5 more minutes (the time was 8.30 am when this occured), when I woke up again the time was 10.30 (I swear it felt like I had just slept for 5-10 more minutes. Anyhow I get up and rush off to the bathroom to get ready to go to school. When I came to school my lab partner was already there reading about the exam we are about to have on monday in Cisco CCNP1 (not too fun to read about but it's good knowledge). After lunch my lab partner decides that he is done for the week and goes home, so I finish reading what I have started and then I just didn't do very much.
"Time flies when you are having fun" they say, well the time got to 7.45 pm and I and some of my classmates are heading downtown to go see the new bond movie (Casino Royale), damn that movie was mighty good. I highly recommend it (well I am a bond fan after all) ;) When the movie is over we walk to the student pub and hade a few beers, then we went back up to our classroom and sat down to play some computergames. Did that until 4-5 am then we got tired and walked home. So now here I am, sitting here in my wounderful computer chair and typing this blogg. My eyelids are getting extreamly heavy so I think... no I don't think I'm going to hit the sack asap, so I guess I'll write a line or two tomorrow :)
Good night (or god morning since the time is 6.30 am now)!
onsdag, november 22, 2006
X days and counting!
Soon soon very soon I'll be on a plane sipping (insert drink of choice here) and chillin', because when the plane lands it will be in Chicago (no rush it's just a lay-over), the next plane goes from Chicago to Seattle just 2 hours later, then when the plane lands me and my baby brother are going to meet our big brother since he is coming to pick us up. I'm looking forward to this trip every day, and every day I count down till the day I leave this rutten hole they call town (Skellefteå, Northern Sweden), the weather is great when it's great but at the moment the snow is melting since all of a sudden we got degrees above 0 and it rains too :(
It couldn't be better then to leave this all behind me when I go, I'm probably gonna smile all the way down to Stockholm :) And santa sent me his list of things my bigbrother wants and also what his wife wants so now I gotta go find the stuff they want. I can check 1 ½ things off of the list and that is 2 CD albums for his wife and 2 bottles of booze for him, I can also check the list of movies to their kids :)
From one thing to the other, been busy with school (although I don't really do very much right now) trying to get a grip on what I am supposed to do ;) also I have been busy trying out some new games that has arrived and those would be: Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent (sooo freakin' awsome graphics and gameplay) also Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (also very cool graphics and gameplay). I have decided to get through Double Agent first before I jump onto Dark Messiah, getting kinda divided otherwise ;)
Well soon time to hit the sack, have to be up early tomorrow (ooh how I hate to wake up early in the morning), to be in school for some network laboration. A well gonna play some games first ;)
C U around!
It couldn't be better then to leave this all behind me when I go, I'm probably gonna smile all the way down to Stockholm :) And santa sent me his list of things my bigbrother wants and also what his wife wants so now I gotta go find the stuff they want. I can check 1 ½ things off of the list and that is 2 CD albums for his wife and 2 bottles of booze for him, I can also check the list of movies to their kids :)
From one thing to the other, been busy with school (although I don't really do very much right now) trying to get a grip on what I am supposed to do ;) also I have been busy trying out some new games that has arrived and those would be: Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Double Agent (sooo freakin' awsome graphics and gameplay) also Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (also very cool graphics and gameplay). I have decided to get through Double Agent first before I jump onto Dark Messiah, getting kinda divided otherwise ;)
Well soon time to hit the sack, have to be up early tomorrow (ooh how I hate to wake up early in the morning), to be in school for some network laboration. A well gonna play some games first ;)
C U around!
onsdag, november 08, 2006
Blog this blog that
Yo whats up?
Been kinda busy lately with school, some heads-up on that. I am working on a project that is called Redundant Game Server (RGS) and it's going to be a lot of work, what will then come out of the end of the project, well it's going to be a server architecture for games (mostly) that will make the game server more reliable to play on. The simplest senario is this: The main server is up and running and the backup server as well, then suddenly the main server dies of maybe some cable error, then the backup server will take over with little to no notice in the client. We are working on a license problem we have with Atari atm, the cause is that we are using a very old game that is open source but the graphics is from the original game so we have to get permission to use the graphics from Atari (which by the way takes forever to answer). Enough about that.
More heads-up, me and my baby brother are heading to the states this christmas (yaye :D) to visit our big brother and his family. I'm so excited that I can't wait until we get on the plane and head right over to the states. I haven't been outside of Sweden for 3 years now and it's kinda getting on my nervs. Ooh and I was at a LAN-party this weekend (small as hell, about 80 participants) and I had my computer there (ofcurse!) but my computer screen went flickering, I could use it through out the LAN-party but when I got back home it was all messed up so I decided to buy me a new one. Which I haven't done in years, I found this great TFT/LCD screen at a local shop for only $357. The screen that I have atm is a 21 inch CRT (regular fat screen). I am expecting the delivery tomorrow, so that is also getting me all excited.
Well don't have time to blog more today, hopefully I will get back and blog soon enough.
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"
Been kinda busy lately with school, some heads-up on that. I am working on a project that is called Redundant Game Server (RGS) and it's going to be a lot of work, what will then come out of the end of the project, well it's going to be a server architecture for games (mostly) that will make the game server more reliable to play on. The simplest senario is this: The main server is up and running and the backup server as well, then suddenly the main server dies of maybe some cable error, then the backup server will take over with little to no notice in the client. We are working on a license problem we have with Atari atm, the cause is that we are using a very old game that is open source but the graphics is from the original game so we have to get permission to use the graphics from Atari (which by the way takes forever to answer). Enough about that.
More heads-up, me and my baby brother are heading to the states this christmas (yaye :D) to visit our big brother and his family. I'm so excited that I can't wait until we get on the plane and head right over to the states. I haven't been outside of Sweden for 3 years now and it's kinda getting on my nervs. Ooh and I was at a LAN-party this weekend (small as hell, about 80 participants) and I had my computer there (ofcurse!) but my computer screen went flickering, I could use it through out the LAN-party but when I got back home it was all messed up so I decided to buy me a new one. Which I haven't done in years, I found this great TFT/LCD screen at a local shop for only $357. The screen that I have atm is a 21 inch CRT (regular fat screen). I am expecting the delivery tomorrow, so that is also getting me all excited.
Well don't have time to blog more today, hopefully I will get back and blog soon enough.
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"
lördag, oktober 07, 2006
New Games and Old Games
Been playing some Battlefield 2 (alot actually) and recently bought the expansion pack Special Forces and let me tell you it rocks :) This weekend EA also dropped Battlefield 2142 Demo on the net, from the first steps on the new battlefield it doesn't impress me that much as I would have thought it should :( but it meybe grows on me who knows.
Some update on my life so far is that I don't have a girlfriend again, broke up about 2 weeks from now (2006-10-07), the good thing was that we both felt the same way about our relationship. And I can tell you that it sure feels nice being single again, but in this town it's lousy, all the girls here are either with someone already or they are to young. But I don't mind that right now, because now I can concentrate on my last year here at school. I will find a girl later on I'm sure :)
Thins are finally getting interesting at school now this last year, I just started on a specialization project with a friend of mine that involves some networkprogramming which is one of my favorite things to do when it comes to programming.
I went home last weekend, and unfortuneately I got sick the day after my arrival :( so all I did back home was lying in my bed and felt lousy. Anyway I'm back in Skellefteå now and life is moving on :)
Gotta go now the game on tv has started between Sweden and Spain (hope Sweden wins)
Some update on my life so far is that I don't have a girlfriend again, broke up about 2 weeks from now (2006-10-07), the good thing was that we both felt the same way about our relationship. And I can tell you that it sure feels nice being single again, but in this town it's lousy, all the girls here are either with someone already or they are to young. But I don't mind that right now, because now I can concentrate on my last year here at school. I will find a girl later on I'm sure :)
Thins are finally getting interesting at school now this last year, I just started on a specialization project with a friend of mine that involves some networkprogramming which is one of my favorite things to do when it comes to programming.
I went home last weekend, and unfortuneately I got sick the day after my arrival :( so all I did back home was lying in my bed and felt lousy. Anyway I'm back in Skellefteå now and life is moving on :)
Gotta go now the game on tv has started between Sweden and Spain (hope Sweden wins)
måndag, september 04, 2006
LAN party + oldschool games
Booze booze moose :D been a while now since my last post (I know I said that last time but it's true :)) anyhow as the topic says I'm at a LAN-party with my friends here at school. One week has passed and I think that the party is about to end, :( but hey I'm not disapointed... that much. We played some great oldschool games like StarCraft (since that is about the best that my laptop can handle). I haven't gotten my motherboard for my stationary computer yet but it is on it's way (atleast that is what they have told me from the retail seller), so I'll probably have my new Core 2 Duo computer assembled at the end of this week (I hope).
School has started and it's going pretty well, we have like one class a week to attend to hehe, but we got laboratory experiment to do aswell. But I'm thinking of going back home to Stockholm this weekend that's coming up, depending on how much I have to do on my labratory experiment. As for this week that has passed I have almost finished the assignment, the assignment was/is to write a paper about Euler angles vs. Quaternions.
I still haven't seen the new Fast and Furious movie yet, I don't know why with all this spare time I should be able to squeez in some time for the movie. Anyhow I think I'll be going this week, maybe now on monday :) guess I'll be going alone since my friends probably have seen it or don't want to see it. That also gets me thinking of the Need For Speed: Underground game that I almost have finished, and the same is with the NFSU2 game. I don't know why but I always try out the new games when they come but I seem not to finish them or I just don't find the time to finish them because something else pops up, or a friend wants to hang out. And I'm not that kind of person that says no to hanging out just because there is a new game out that I haven't played through yet, so there is probably my answer ;)
Well thats all for now,
Smell ya l8ter :)
School has started and it's going pretty well, we have like one class a week to attend to hehe, but we got laboratory experiment to do aswell. But I'm thinking of going back home to Stockholm this weekend that's coming up, depending on how much I have to do on my labratory experiment. As for this week that has passed I have almost finished the assignment, the assignment was/is to write a paper about Euler angles vs. Quaternions.
I still haven't seen the new Fast and Furious movie yet, I don't know why with all this spare time I should be able to squeez in some time for the movie. Anyhow I think I'll be going this week, maybe now on monday :) guess I'll be going alone since my friends probably have seen it or don't want to see it. That also gets me thinking of the Need For Speed: Underground game that I almost have finished, and the same is with the NFSU2 game. I don't know why but I always try out the new games when they come but I seem not to finish them or I just don't find the time to finish them because something else pops up, or a friend wants to hang out. And I'm not that kind of person that says no to hanging out just because there is a new game out that I haven't played through yet, so there is probably my answer ;)
Well thats all for now,
Smell ya l8ter :)
fredag, augusti 25, 2006
Booze and games
So haven't been here for a while but alot has been happening since my last post. School hasn't started yet (starts this monday the 28th of august). But the school has "started" for all the new students at the university where I'm studying (which is Luleå University of Technology). I'm in the welcome committee, and what I and all the older students do is to arrange fun events for the new students to participate in and get to know each other and other students in other classes.
Anyhow, this big welcome "party" is about to take an end but before I go and talk all about the end part I want to share with you something that happend to me last night. We are att the headquarters for the committee and we are all drinking some beers and singing songs when my roommate comes along and joins us for some drinking/singing/chatting. I decided to leave when the clock hit midnite because I had an exam early the next day so I wanted some sleep before I took the exam. Anyways, I went to bed when I got home and slept for about 5 hours when I hear someone coming in to my room (my door squeaks), supprised to see that it is my flatmate walking in in just his underware, I say "Hi" and he says "Hi" to me back, what he does next is that he walks up to the bed and jumps down under my cover, pretty supprised (YES!).
Well I am not that homofobic so I decide that he can sleep there on his end of the bed and I'll sleep on my end, he has his own bed, and my bed is a kingsize bed so there where lots of room for us both. Anyhow I have to get up in just a few hours so I wen't back to sleep, and just when I was falling into the arms of the pillowcruncher my flatmate starts to snore, but he stops after a few snores. So I can finally sleep again. I wake up to my alarm clock and shut it off, supprisingly is that my flatmate is still there and didn't hear the alarm. When I open the door to my room (it makes the squeak sound ofcurse) my flatmate wakes up and sees me, I just wave at him and walk out to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast before I go to take my exam. When I come back into my room to get my stuff my flatmate has fallen back to sleep again.
I get to school, take my exam and get back home to check up on my flatmate to see if he is still in my bed, but no he is awake now and I ask him if he slept good ;) he then tells me that when he woke up when I went out to the kitchen, he thought for himself "What is he doing in my room?" then he looked around and found out that he was in my room and thought "What the hell am I doing in his room?!?!?". And so he managed to get back to his own room and sleep the rest of the time in his own bed. Apparently he had had a little too much to drink the other night because he couldn't remember how he gotten into my room after he had been vomiting in the toilet just before.
Well thats that, and an update on my new computer: I just recived my CPU and now I am only waiting for the motherboard to get in stock so the stupid store can send it to me :) Oh and I've been playing some old games on my laptop, games such as Tomb Raider II and Full Throttle since this crappy laptop doesn't have a better graphics card I'm stuck with these old games until I get the final part for my new stationary computer. I've also been playing some Need For Speed Underground again on my XBOX(tm) loads of fun there :) just getting in the mood for the new Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift movie which I'm going to at this weekend.
Well that was all for now, l8ters sk8ters ;)
Anyhow, this big welcome "party" is about to take an end but before I go and talk all about the end part I want to share with you something that happend to me last night. We are att the headquarters for the committee and we are all drinking some beers and singing songs when my roommate comes along and joins us for some drinking/singing/chatting. I decided to leave when the clock hit midnite because I had an exam early the next day so I wanted some sleep before I took the exam. Anyways, I went to bed when I got home and slept for about 5 hours when I hear someone coming in to my room (my door squeaks), supprised to see that it is my flatmate walking in in just his underware, I say "Hi" and he says "Hi" to me back, what he does next is that he walks up to the bed and jumps down under my cover, pretty supprised (YES!).
Well I am not that homofobic so I decide that he can sleep there on his end of the bed and I'll sleep on my end, he has his own bed, and my bed is a kingsize bed so there where lots of room for us both. Anyhow I have to get up in just a few hours so I wen't back to sleep, and just when I was falling into the arms of the pillowcruncher my flatmate starts to snore, but he stops after a few snores. So I can finally sleep again. I wake up to my alarm clock and shut it off, supprisingly is that my flatmate is still there and didn't hear the alarm. When I open the door to my room (it makes the squeak sound ofcurse) my flatmate wakes up and sees me, I just wave at him and walk out to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast before I go to take my exam. When I come back into my room to get my stuff my flatmate has fallen back to sleep again.
I get to school, take my exam and get back home to check up on my flatmate to see if he is still in my bed, but no he is awake now and I ask him if he slept good ;) he then tells me that when he woke up when I went out to the kitchen, he thought for himself "What is he doing in my room?" then he looked around and found out that he was in my room and thought "What the hell am I doing in his room?!?!?". And so he managed to get back to his own room and sleep the rest of the time in his own bed. Apparently he had had a little too much to drink the other night because he couldn't remember how he gotten into my room after he had been vomiting in the toilet just before.
Well thats that, and an update on my new computer: I just recived my CPU and now I am only waiting for the motherboard to get in stock so the stupid store can send it to me :) Oh and I've been playing some old games on my laptop, games such as Tomb Raider II and Full Throttle since this crappy laptop doesn't have a better graphics card I'm stuck with these old games until I get the final part for my new stationary computer. I've also been playing some Need For Speed Underground again on my XBOX(tm) loads of fun there :) just getting in the mood for the new Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift movie which I'm going to at this weekend.
Well that was all for now, l8ters sk8ters ;)
tisdag, augusti 15, 2006
The eternal wait
Hey there, haven't been posting for some time now, thats because I was a bit busy with packing my shit togheter, I'm done working this summer (finally its over) so now I'm back at Campus in northen part of Sweden, the semester is about to start in like 2 weeks or so but I'm gonna party "all nite long" ;)
My 22:nd birthday was yesterday so I had my new girlfriend over and we ate some good food and then the heavenly part started ;) (no details at this point more than it was freakin' awsome, best birthday present that I've ever gotten)
I have sold my old graphics card to a friend so I can't play any games on my stationary computer so I have to start playing on the x-box, cus this laptop that I have now isn't much of an "gaming" computer, it only has a 16 MB of graphics RAM so I won't be expecting any heavy "lifting" from this laptop, but it does do movies and stuff like that :D
Now I have to go to this headquarters for us Phösare, a Phösare is a person that introduces the university life to the new students that comes to study at our university. Ofcurse there will be some drinking involved but hey thats only a small part of it all.
My 22:nd birthday was yesterday so I had my new girlfriend over and we ate some good food and then the heavenly part started ;) (no details at this point more than it was freakin' awsome, best birthday present that I've ever gotten)
I have sold my old graphics card to a friend so I can't play any games on my stationary computer so I have to start playing on the x-box, cus this laptop that I have now isn't much of an "gaming" computer, it only has a 16 MB of graphics RAM so I won't be expecting any heavy "lifting" from this laptop, but it does do movies and stuff like that :D
Now I have to go to this headquarters for us Phösare, a Phösare is a person that introduces the university life to the new students that comes to study at our university. Ofcurse there will be some drinking involved but hey thats only a small part of it all.
söndag, augusti 06, 2006
Party and games
So I'm back here again, but this time I'm writing from a BBQ party that my friends planed. I guess it is time to go home when I'm sitting at my Laptop and downloading backuped games from my friends computer, not very social ;) but we've had some fun though. Just that the party is getting kinda "booring" now after a few hours and I don't get to sleep on the couch, so I haven't been drinking that much :( just so I can drive home.
On my way home now anyways but gonna upload a picture or two of what my friends have been makeing drinks of.
On my way home now anyways but gonna upload a picture or two of what my friends have been makeing drinks of.
tisdag, augusti 01, 2006
Another game bites the dust
And so yet another game was completed yesterday. This time it was not a new one but not that old either. Mission Impossible: Operation Surma, and I have the latesta Mission Impossible movie to thank for the inspiration to play through that game :) And when that was finished I decided to call a friend and play some dead or alive 3 on my xbox. Gosh how much fun we had :) I was suppose to go to bed around 10 PM but it was so much fun that we didn't stop until 1 AM the next morning :-S
Why I need to go to bed so damn early in the summer is because I am working in the weekdays so I can afford to live a decent life when I'm off to school. As for the latest news about my new computer that I'm going to assemble (not that I have posted it here before but anyway) I just ordered a MSI P965 NEO-F (mainboard/motherboard) and I also ordered the processor, a Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz (I have always gone with AMDs products but this time Intel was much cheaper and better in performance than the AMD ones). The only things I haven't bought yet is the memory and the graphics card which are going to be shipped in the middle of august so I'm anxiously waiting for the next shipment :D
And now back to this booring reality they call work, I got like tons of work to do before I quit after these 2 weeks in august. Then it's back to school, then I get my vaccation ;)
Why I need to go to bed so damn early in the summer is because I am working in the weekdays so I can afford to live a decent life when I'm off to school. As for the latest news about my new computer that I'm going to assemble (not that I have posted it here before but anyway) I just ordered a MSI P965 NEO-F (mainboard/motherboard) and I also ordered the processor, a Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 2.13GHz (I have always gone with AMDs products but this time Intel was much cheaper and better in performance than the AMD ones). The only things I haven't bought yet is the memory and the graphics card which are going to be shipped in the middle of august so I'm anxiously waiting for the next shipment :D
And now back to this booring reality they call work, I got like tons of work to do before I quit after these 2 weeks in august. Then it's back to school, then I get my vaccation ;)
söndag, juli 30, 2006
First time around
Hello there folks :D first time around this thing hehe, hope you'll visit it some times now and then :D
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