onsdag, november 08, 2006

Blog this blog that

Yo whats up?

Been kinda busy lately with school, some heads-up on that. I am working on a project that is called Redundant Game Server (RGS) and it's going to be a lot of work, what will then come out of the end of the project, well it's going to be a server architecture for games (mostly) that will make the game server more reliable to play on. The simplest senario is this: The main server is up and running and the backup server as well, then suddenly the main server dies of maybe some cable error, then the backup server will take over with little to no notice in the client. We are working on a license problem we have with Atari atm, the cause is that we are using a very old game that is open source but the graphics is from the original game so we have to get permission to use the graphics from Atari (which by the way takes forever to answer). Enough about that.

More heads-up, me and my baby brother are heading to the states this christmas (yaye :D) to visit our big brother and his family. I'm so excited that I can't wait until we get on the plane and head right over to the states. I haven't been outside of Sweden for 3 years now and it's kinda getting on my nervs. Ooh and I was at a LAN-party this weekend (small as hell, about 80 participants) and I had my computer there (ofcurse!) but my computer screen went flickering, I could use it through out the LAN-party but when I got back home it was all messed up so I decided to buy me a new one. Which I haven't done in years, I found this great TFT/LCD screen at a local shop for only $357. The screen that I have atm is a 21 inch CRT (regular fat screen). I am expecting the delivery tomorrow, so that is also getting me all excited.

Well don't have time to blog more today, hopefully I will get back and blog soon enough.

"So long and thanks for all the fish!"

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