So today for a couple of hours I played the expansion pack to F.E.A.R, called Extraction Point. It really extended the story but still I got the feeling of the story being based on the movie Resident Evil, atleast there are alot of similarities between the two stories. Anyhow the expansion was a bit short as most expansions are. But still, it wen't surprisingly fast to get through it.
Today I woke up at noon, made some sandwiches for breakfast and then went to school to fix some laboration assignments that I still have to do for this Game Physics class. It didn't go so well for my part though :( but I will conquer the "world ;)" problem. Once that has been done we just need to send the assignments in to the teacher. I'm going back again on Sunday (today), *sigh* I really don't like being in school on a weekend but hey if you aren't finished thats what you have to do. I'm more and more looking forward to getting to write my master thesis at a game company but still waiting for them to answer.
I also wan't to shout out a thanks to Kirby who commented my blog yesterday. It was very interesting that there actually is someone more then my big brother, baby brother and my cousin that is reading my blog :) Please leave a comment when you stop by, you don't have to write anything fancy just a message that you popped in :)
A well time to go to bed now, airwolf just finished on Channel5 and the tv-guide for the channel started rolling so I think it is best for me to get some sleep. Good night and I'll get back tomorrow :)
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