After the game we just sat down and talked about anything that came to our minds, also some things where spluttered since the hostess had a few to many to drink ;) I was the only one keeping up with her but I didn't get that dizzy feeling after all those drinks. It must be that I can hold my liquor better then her ;) We also discussed why I was the only one at that party that didn't have a girlfriend (and I wonder that too). While on the subject Peter picks up his cell and texts a girl he met a couple of years before he got together with his current girlfriend, and sends a message that I'm available, she calls him back and tells him that I should meet her downtown because she was out clubbing but it was fairly late so I didn't really feel like chasing after my own tail all night. I'll probably call Peter tomorrow and while I'm on the phone with him I could always ask for her number and then call her later on (or let him introduce me to her or her to me whatever happens first).
Oh my baby brother and I have also booked the "flyttis" (pick up) that I and my 2 brothers are going to drive up to Skellefteå and then back down again (a sum of 1 000 miles there and back) after my graduation. Well that's that, now I'm ready for bed so I'll drop a line soon again.
The pictures as promised (the last one only swedish reading ppl will probably understand)

Eating a soft ice in the sun with my baby brother and his friend

A funny sign at the student pub in KTH - Haninge

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