Today sometime before lunch I went past our only meeting room and guess who I saw in there? ... Well you could probably say anyone, but it wasn't just anyone, Börje Salming sat there and had a meeting with our CEO about some pomotion or commercial they are gonna to somewhere, can't say where ;)
The best part of this job is that it is located downtown Stockholm, from here I can get to like anywhere. Sure some of you that read this would probably think that the beer tap is the best thing about this job but after a while you get used to have it in the resting area.
Well gotta get back to work, I'll post some pictures later or maybe now hmm can't decide. Okey I'll post them now :P
My baby brother

My grandfather (in a cool looking t-shirt)

The flat tire I got last week

A picture of Skellefteå, it's so peaceful with all the green and stuff

And the last picture is of my very tired big brother when we are driving back from Skellefteå :)

My big brothers son running in a meadow

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