Yepp that's the question that I ask myself. This weekend I was with my friends and played/tested some xbox360 games, I must say that I really like the console alot. But the interaction possibilities in the Wii are outstanding, I'm blackballing the PS3 since it only has the powerful engine but not so much to do with it. Also Sony "stole" the idéa that Nintendo had developed for the gameplay interaction, such as the Wii-mote and Nunchuck. Sonys pathetic try to add the motion sensor into their controler only made the gaming experience "worse". Now I can't say that for a fact but after reading a bunch of reviews and looking at some comparison-videos, I still blackball the PS3 for it's lack of newthinking hardware, the PS3 is just like the PS2 only upgraded.
Well all that complaining leads me down to whether I'm gonna buy a Wii or Xbox360, I love the cotrols in the Wii but the xbox360 is the ultimate multi-media console whilst the Nintendo Wii is the best game experience console since you get to interact so much when you play (thats what it is basically built for to let the player interact with the game as much as possible).
Here is a comparison trailer of CoD3 on all 3 consoles and I can only say that, yes the Wiis graphics aren't astonishing but that isn't what counts when you talk about the Wii. Trailer at
One of the games that I'm most interested in on Wii is Red Steel this video shows partly game partly the gamer and how he plays/interacts with the game.
Damn it, it's so har to choose :( I really want a new console but I don't know which one, if I'm going to think financially smart I should buy the Nintendo Wii since it is much cheaper than the Xbox360. But then yet again, if I wait a month or 2 then the Xbox360 will probably be cheaper to. Well well guess I just have to wait and see what will happen in the near future ;) have to pay off the loans I have first before I buy a new console :P
Only 45 minutes left until I can go home, boy it's been a long day (or atleast it feels like it). C U!
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