This weekend was a killer, had a guys only weekend at a friends house. A big flatscreen TV and 2 xbox360s (and a normal fat TV) a couple of games, beers and pizza. Once again we've saved the world from destruction ;) It was very relieving just hanging out with some friends and talking about everything and without any girls around poking their nose in the comments we made ;) thus a guys only weekend. I think that the last game we played before we went to bed was Tiger Woods PGA 08 and I was barely awake when we played since the time was 4 am. I think we played 'one ball' and it was my turn, when I did my chip I did a chip-in that resulted in an eagle. Anyway I almost did the same thing today on the golf course. Yes a computer geek like me playes golf amazing isn't it :P
It started out as a very bad plan but actually went really well, and I hope mom did have a good time. I know that I hit the ball way longer than she does but she still hangs in there and keeps up, I think thats very strong of her to do so. Of course everyone has bad days or bad hits sometimes and I sure had my share of that cake today ;) (hungover and tired on the golf course isn't really the day your are dreaming about).
Well it looks like I'm going to the states once more this christmas/new years to be with my big brother and his family. The tickets are bought and now it's just the long wait till the departure day :P In the meantime until that day I will be going to an interview for a job (or some jobs), maybe take up my school books and finish some of those math classes that are still unfinished and go to a concert where DJ Tiësto will play. One thing that isn't clear to me is the trip to Whistler that my baby brother wants to make, what I'm worried about is the economy for that little trip up to Canada and back. I'll have to talk to him tomorrow or this week and see how he has planned that.
Time to charge my cell phone and go to bed :) Night ya'll and catch you later!
söndag, september 30, 2007
fredag, september 28, 2007
So things are going a bit slowly now but still forward, I talked to my big brother today and also argued with my dad about my future plans that I might have. I prefer to get a grip of the situation before I share it with everybody else, and for some strange reason I might have gotten a grip on it. After I talked with my big brother (after my dad had talked to him) I started to make up my plan in my head, after the phonecall I shared my plans with my dad and he seemed calm about how I had thought out my future. Whats been going so slow is that I am trying to get a hold of some professors or math teachers at KTH here in Stockholm but they are a bit hard to get a hold of but I'm still trying.
Another thing that has been going on is that my friends girlfriend moved out from their apartment, I on the other hand see that as a sign of splitting up. I think he sees it too but doesn't really want to realise it, but I guess he'll do it eventually. Although I think that they should have talked more to each other than just one of them picks up their stuff and leaves. But not really my cup of tea or something like that. I read/heard (don't know if it's true) that you could take the number of years/months you have been together and devide it by 2 and thats how many years/months you have been breaking up, as I said I don't know if that is true so don't go thinking about it.
I got an interview next week and I'll see how that goes, if it goes well I'll get called for a second interview, and I think after that I get the job. But if I don't get that job I'll continue to finish my studies. I have my Math classes and some Physics and my Bachelors Thesis still left to do before I can get my graduation. I'll work on that as soon as this interview thingie is over. Talking of which, I need to go out and buy myself some new shirts and maybe a new pair of pants so I can look extra good when I go to that interview :) it's always good to make a good first impression.
Well I'll blog soon (I hope) C YA!
Another thing that has been going on is that my friends girlfriend moved out from their apartment, I on the other hand see that as a sign of splitting up. I think he sees it too but doesn't really want to realise it, but I guess he'll do it eventually. Although I think that they should have talked more to each other than just one of them picks up their stuff and leaves. But not really my cup of tea or something like that. I read/heard (don't know if it's true) that you could take the number of years/months you have been together and devide it by 2 and thats how many years/months you have been breaking up, as I said I don't know if that is true so don't go thinking about it.
I got an interview next week and I'll see how that goes, if it goes well I'll get called for a second interview, and I think after that I get the job. But if I don't get that job I'll continue to finish my studies. I have my Math classes and some Physics and my Bachelors Thesis still left to do before I can get my graduation. I'll work on that as soon as this interview thingie is over. Talking of which, I need to go out and buy myself some new shirts and maybe a new pair of pants so I can look extra good when I go to that interview :) it's always good to make a good first impression.
Well I'll blog soon (I hope) C YA!
torsdag, september 20, 2007
Hair-cut + computer problems
So, tomorrow I'm getting a hair-cut and I can tell you it's needed. I hate when my hair is so big it goes over my ears, I want it short, maybe if someone could invent a invisible haircutter that lets you have the hair-cut you want. Hmm on the other hand I think I've been watching a teedy bit much of the series Eureka ;) It is a very good sci-fi series. I'm not in to much of that sci-fi stuff but it's fun to watch all those strange stuff happening in the town Eureka, maybe that's where they got the name for the show ;)
A well after my hair-cut I'm going to one of moms colleagues to fix their computer, they have a very odd problem, but it sounds very familiar to the Blaster virus, and what it does to the computer. Basically what the Blaster virus does is to shutdown a very important service in the computer and Windows is designed so when that particular service is closed it has to reboot the computer. The problem here is that their computer works fine until they log on to the internet then it reboots. So I guess I'll find out whats wrong tomorrow when I'm there.
Oh and a week or so back I finished Prince of Persia: Rival Swords on my Wii, it was a pretty cool game and the developers had rewritten the controls for it in a good way. You interacted so much more with the character in the game now that you had to flick and swing the controls to make the character do the moves you want him to do. That's what I love about the Wii console :) the interaction part it feels like a whole new dimension of gaming :) Probably why Nintendo designed it that way ;)
Well it's gonna be an interesting day tomorrow so I'll better get some sleep while I still can. Good night and sleep tight!
A well after my hair-cut I'm going to one of moms colleagues to fix their computer, they have a very odd problem, but it sounds very familiar to the Blaster virus, and what it does to the computer. Basically what the Blaster virus does is to shutdown a very important service in the computer and Windows is designed so when that particular service is closed it has to reboot the computer. The problem here is that their computer works fine until they log on to the internet then it reboots. So I guess I'll find out whats wrong tomorrow when I'm there.
Oh and a week or so back I finished Prince of Persia: Rival Swords on my Wii, it was a pretty cool game and the developers had rewritten the controls for it in a good way. You interacted so much more with the character in the game now that you had to flick and swing the controls to make the character do the moves you want him to do. That's what I love about the Wii console :) the interaction part it feels like a whole new dimension of gaming :) Probably why Nintendo designed it that way ;)
Well it's gonna be an interesting day tomorrow so I'll better get some sleep while I still can. Good night and sleep tight!
måndag, september 17, 2007
Thats a week?
Well guess time just flew by since I haven't posted anything during this past week and now the weekend is over. Guess I've just been busy, or something. All I can recall is that I have been haning out with my friends alot this week/weekend, and so therefore never had the time or make the effort to blog a single time. I did start my IP tool project but since all of my friends have been home from either work or school and want to hang out with me I haven't gotten so far with it. But I'm working on it, I also got new orders to help out more now that I'm home, but they could just have asked and I would have helped them instead of getting "yelled" at.
Hope to hear from the consultant agency tomorrow, I am going to call them anyway to see if I got the job I was interviewed for or not. Maybe I'll get an update on how far they have come to make their decision. I'm looking at more options to where I might find a new job since alot of companies are now hiring new people. I'm gonna check out monster (got the tip from my big brother). All of a sudden I got alot of stuff to do this week :/ not that I planned it but I guess I'll be making alot of phonecalls during this week to get some school and work stuff organized.
Shoot my tea is out and that means that I should probably head for my bed, so until further notice I say good night and head on for my pillow ^_^ tata!
Hope to hear from the consultant agency tomorrow, I am going to call them anyway to see if I got the job I was interviewed for or not. Maybe I'll get an update on how far they have come to make their decision. I'm looking at more options to where I might find a new job since alot of companies are now hiring new people. I'm gonna check out monster (got the tip from my big brother). All of a sudden I got alot of stuff to do this week :/ not that I planned it but I guess I'll be making alot of phonecalls during this week to get some school and work stuff organized.
Shoot my tea is out and that means that I should probably head for my bed, so until further notice I say good night and head on for my pillow ^_^ tata!
måndag, september 10, 2007
Funny stuff
So this weekend passed and it was a hell of a good weekend :D It all started out with my interview on Friday (which I still don't know if I got the job or not but this week will tell) I walked away from that interview with a non-cocky confidence, I more or less felt like I got the job but lets not jump through hoops to soon. After my interview I dined with my friends at their place, we played some games and watched some TV before I decided it was time to go home. I started to feel tired and I don't want to drive sleepy. The next day started out all right, ate some breakfast, helped dad with some grocery shopping, once that was done I started to pack some because I and my friends where gonna have a guys night only on that Saturday. And we did, we arrived around noon to one of our friends, went out to eat some lunch then back to his place and set up the Xbox360 and the Wii. We played all night long (had a wonderful dinner on top of that), and when the clock strike midnight I started to get pretty darn tired so we made the beds and went to sleep.
The next day we had some breakfast and played some more, until noon I think then we packed our stuff and headed back home. It was quite fun doing that, no one was there to tell us that we where booring or be more social... at that point we where as social as guys can get (mostly) we where all playing together and we where having a blast so I don't see the "non"-social stuff in that. Ofcurse we where shouting and cheering, we played fotball :D (and we watched the soccer game on the other TV while playing Tennis on the other) unfortunately Sweden played 0-0 against Denmark but it looks like we are going to play in the European Masters anyway :D
Read my frinds blog and found out that you could simpsonize yourself just by uploading a photo of yourself at I uploaded a picture of myself and simpsonized myself :D end below are the results.

Well guess I'll be heading for my bed now :D catch you later!
The next day we had some breakfast and played some more, until noon I think then we packed our stuff and headed back home. It was quite fun doing that, no one was there to tell us that we where booring or be more social... at that point we where as social as guys can get (mostly) we where all playing together and we where having a blast so I don't see the "non"-social stuff in that. Ofcurse we where shouting and cheering, we played fotball :D (and we watched the soccer game on the other TV while playing Tennis on the other) unfortunately Sweden played 0-0 against Denmark but it looks like we are going to play in the European Masters anyway :D
Read my frinds blog and found out that you could simpsonize yourself just by uploading a photo of yourself at I uploaded a picture of myself and simpsonized myself :D end below are the results.
Well guess I'll be heading for my bed now :D catch you later!
fredag, september 07, 2007
And liftoff
Yepp now I've just launched my new webpage go check it out :D Finished up some last minute touch ups and then put it online. I must say that it looks pretty darn better now than the old one. The old one was just something I threw together in a quick pace to have something to show. Now I got a little bit more time to make it look good and well see for yourself :P
Nothing much has happend, went to the gym yesterday and did some power pilates. Boy was that a good workout, I could nearly get out of bed this morning, I had to roll of the bed since I couldn't really do a full crunch to get up straight. I really felt the workout from yesterdays training so I probably did something right ;) Anyway my friend came by today since his girlfriend had thrown him out for the evening because she was gonna arrange some sort och ladies night at their place so he couldn't be there. I went and picked him up at his parents house and once we got back home we immediately started playing on my Wii :) We played some golf, sorted some pussle out in Prince of Persia and flew some airplanes in Balzing Angels.
Well tomorrow is a big day because I have an interview tomorrow in the afternoon so I'll better get some sleep and clear out my head before I go to it. And with that I leave for bed. G'night!
Nothing much has happend, went to the gym yesterday and did some power pilates. Boy was that a good workout, I could nearly get out of bed this morning, I had to roll of the bed since I couldn't really do a full crunch to get up straight. I really felt the workout from yesterdays training so I probably did something right ;) Anyway my friend came by today since his girlfriend had thrown him out for the evening because she was gonna arrange some sort och ladies night at their place so he couldn't be there. I went and picked him up at his parents house and once we got back home we immediately started playing on my Wii :) We played some golf, sorted some pussle out in Prince of Persia and flew some airplanes in Balzing Angels.
Well tomorrow is a big day because I have an interview tomorrow in the afternoon so I'll better get some sleep and clear out my head before I go to it. And with that I leave for bed. G'night!
torsdag, september 06, 2007
Some stuff
Okey sorry for not posting in a few days but I've been a tad bit busy with helping my friends, helping around at home. I also started to design my new homepage, it looks kinda cool. Way better then the one I have atm. Here's a preview of what it's gonna look like when it's finished.

I have been fixing my friends Xbox360 these past 2 days, for some strange reason his drive stopped reading discs. We thought that it was something wrong with the flash but it wasn't. So I took the 360 console to my old workplace and they told me that it was an easy thing to fix since the little magnet inside the drive that holds the disc in place via a metal connection in the top of the drive had gotten loose so we opened the drive there and just put the magnet back in it's place (with a little super glue on it first so it won't loosen again!). That thing could aparently happen to any of the xbox 360 drives, I didn't know that it was that easy but now I do and the next time it happens I know what to do :D
Well not so long post today but I really have to sleep so I'll try to post some more tomorrow or after my interview on Friday (yes I have one this Friday, yaye!).
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"
I have been fixing my friends Xbox360 these past 2 days, for some strange reason his drive stopped reading discs. We thought that it was something wrong with the flash but it wasn't. So I took the 360 console to my old workplace and they told me that it was an easy thing to fix since the little magnet inside the drive that holds the disc in place via a metal connection in the top of the drive had gotten loose so we opened the drive there and just put the magnet back in it's place (with a little super glue on it first so it won't loosen again!). That thing could aparently happen to any of the xbox 360 drives, I didn't know that it was that easy but now I do and the next time it happens I know what to do :D
Well not so long post today but I really have to sleep so I'll try to post some more tomorrow or after my interview on Friday (yes I have one this Friday, yaye!).
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"
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