Well guess time just flew by since I haven't posted anything during this past week and now the weekend is over. Guess I've just been busy, or something. All I can recall is that I have been haning out with my friends alot this week/weekend, and so therefore never had the time or make the effort to blog a single time. I did start my IP tool project but since all of my friends have been home from either work or school and want to hang out with me I haven't gotten so far with it. But I'm working on it, I also got new orders to help out more now that I'm home, but they could just have asked and I would have helped them instead of getting "yelled" at.
Hope to hear from the consultant agency tomorrow, I am going to call them anyway to see if I got the job I was interviewed for or not. Maybe I'll get an update on how far they have come to make their decision. I'm looking at more options to where I might find a new job since alot of companies are now hiring new people. I'm gonna check out monster (got the tip from my big brother). All of a sudden I got alot of stuff to do this week :/ not that I planned it but I guess I'll be making alot of phonecalls during this week to get some school and work stuff organized.
Shoot my tea is out and that means that I should probably head for my bed, so until further notice I say good night and head on for my pillow ^_^ tata!
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