onsdag, oktober 31, 2007


It's this time of year again when everyone starts to get some sort of cold, luckily for me I just got the dripping nose and a weezy throat. I've been taking some naturopathic drug and it helps quite a bit. I started to eat better again, was a few days there that I didn't feel like eating very much since I only laid in bed. I've also been working (now that I feel better) on my big brothers wifes flash site and it's turning out quite nice.

Today I sat and figured out this ActionScripting thing that is so powerful in flash, but it turns out that I can't use AS 3.0 since the template I'm working on uses AS 1.0 & 2.0 and therefore there is no support for AS 3.0 but I figured out how to do the same thing but in AS 2.0 so everyone is happy =)

Haven't really played any games lately, just been sleeping in, getting better and watching some TV, and ofcurse taking care of business (the flash site). I think once the deadline is met and the site is up and running as it should, maybe with some minor flaws. I should be able to play something as a reward to myself for being so super duper extra great :) Well that's that and now I'm off to bed :D


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