Boy this week has been long... too long! Friday is just around the corner now (finally!) I've been up all day fixing the last minute things before the trip. Bought some more glögg since my big brother _forgot_ to put it on the shopping list. But he did tell me in time so no harm no faul. Today has been the day that you go and shop the last stuff, which will save tomorrow (Thursday) for the last resort or crucial buy time before the trip, also I've been mixing a CD with some music for the roadtrip up to Canada (Whistler/Blacomb).
I'm also fixing some last minute movies that I haven't seen yet (and hopefully neither have my baby brother or his friend or my big brother and his family). So I'm hoping to bring them something fresh :) I haven't thought about bringing any kids movies hmm maybe I should have bought some? Last minute shopping day... tomorrow.
I have this gift that I bought for a girl I like but I never got around to go visit her and give it to her in person so I guess I'll have to send it by snail-mail to her. Worst part is that I don't remember her address :( I guess I have to pick up the phone and call her tomorrow, go to the post office and mail it to her.
The packing hasn't started yet! O_o but I have organized the stuff that I'm going to bring so the packing part shouldn't take that long. Also I get kinda restless if I would have packed in the begining of this week and I tend to get sharp when the heat is on. So I saved the packing for the last day ;) But now I have to hit the sack before I stay up too long (again!) I'll keep you posted about the events of tomorrow :)
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