Jahapp då var detta år snart över och ett nytt börjar om ca 24 timmar och 1 sekund ;) Jag vet att folket där hemma har färre timmar kvar än vad jag har men det är lite skit samma :) Jag måste ladda mobilen för jag misstänker att jag kommer få några mindre samtal till min mobil när dom går över till 2008. För övrigt för dom som inte vet om det så kommer 2008 bli Stockholms år ;) jag låter er klura lite på det innan jag avslöjar det :P
Här är det full utförsäljning av allt möjligt, bilar, hårdvara, nytt golv, billigt billigt billigt (hos typ alla) och det roligaste jag sett är väl att vissa events av utförsäljning sträcker sig till den 2a januari nästa år, hmm är det inte meningen att man ska sälja slut på alla typ bilar innan det nya året kommer igång? Aja har varit iväg till en elektronik affär och det är sjukt mycket saker som är billiga, köpte t.ex lite DVD-R skivor, behöver inga DL skivor så :P 50 packen var djävligt billiga $9.99 styck istället för $39.99 för ett 100 pack men då gällde det bara ett 50 pack per kund ;) Klart att man lyckas kirra 3st för man köper ett själv sen köper lillebrorsan en och sedan köper lillebrorsans polare en, och voila man har 150 DVD-R skivor för rena rånet :D
Har tittat runt på lite andra datorprylar här och jag fattar inte att allt är så sjukt mycket billigare här i USA när det kommer till hårdvara :( storebrorsan skaffa en sprillans ny dator för endast 5500:- (SEK) om man räknar om dollarn till kronor. Jag la minst det dubbla för min dator när den var ny och den är sämre än brorsans, brorsan kirra en Core 2 Quad, nya minnen, grafikkort (GF 8800GT 512MB) samt en 300GB SATA2 disk. Fatta vad billigt det är att köpa grejjerna här istället. Synd bara att man inte bor här eller att det går att frakta över sakerna lite billigt och slippa skatten när den väl kommer till Sverige. Men går något sönder måste man ju skicka tillbaka det över atlanten så det är väl det man betalar lite extra för i Sverige för att slippa?
Jag tycker att vi borde ha fler reor på just datordelar och att dom fram för allt ska vara lika billiga som dom är här i USA. Nä jag hoppas jag kommer på lite bättre tankar inför det nya året så jag inte går omkring med ett surt moln i skallen när det nya året börjar ;) Nu är det tydligen läggdags för lilla mig så jag ska väl pila in till badrummet och borsta tänderna sen ska jag ta och hoppa ner i sängen. Natti!
måndag, december 31, 2007
fredag, december 28, 2007
Ja det var ytterligare en dag i backen. Sjukt kul att åka igen, men ack så ont man har i musklerna efter denna dags utflykt till Stevens Pass. Det var hyfsat sköna backar men väldigt mycket folk, lite för mycket faktiskt. Backarna blev uppåkta ganska snabbt samt att de bästa puder ställena redan var "avpudrade" ;) Om man ska jämföra Stevens Pass med Whistler (vilket man typ inte får göra) ;) så var Stevens Pass en barnbacke. Det är så mycket annat som händer i Whistler också som gör det sååå mycket härligare att bara vara där.
Jag skulle lätt kunna tänka mig att stanna där säsongen ut och jobba, det fanns en hel del jobberbjudanden men det gäller ju bara att skaffa ett boende någonstans så är resten kirrat. Vi träffade ju en av lillebrorsans lumparpolare, hon hade fått nog av att bara gå hemma och inte göra någonting så hon tog sitt pick och pack och stack iväg. Var förvisso lite i sista minuten men hon hade väl lite tur som hitta ett rum någonstans samt att hon delar lägenhet med några andra.
Nåväl nog om det, som jag nämnde tidigare kom man hem och var helt öm i musklerna efter dagens åk, p.g.a att man var tvungen att åka lite mera och snabbare för att inte krocka med alla andra som för jämnan var i vägen för en när man skulle ner för berget. Enda vurporna man gjorde var när man skulle av liften, dom är lite efter vid Stevens Pass så vissa liftar har inte den där säkerhetsannordningen man tar ner och kan sätta skidorna/snowboarden på medans man åker upp så det var lite väl jobbigt för ena benet att "hålla i" brädan medans man åkte upp. Väl högst upp i liften så gick det ganska snabbt när man skulle av för att inte fastna i liften när den svängde tillbaka, därav vurpa jag när jag kom en bit nedanför avlastningsplatsen för brädan jag hade hyrt typ skena iväg med mig på den.
Nu har man återigen sett The Bourne Ultimatum, dock denna gång på brorsans 46" LCD TV :D och det är dags att gå och lägga sig. God natt!
Jag skulle lätt kunna tänka mig att stanna där säsongen ut och jobba, det fanns en hel del jobberbjudanden men det gäller ju bara att skaffa ett boende någonstans så är resten kirrat. Vi träffade ju en av lillebrorsans lumparpolare, hon hade fått nog av att bara gå hemma och inte göra någonting så hon tog sitt pick och pack och stack iväg. Var förvisso lite i sista minuten men hon hade väl lite tur som hitta ett rum någonstans samt att hon delar lägenhet med några andra.
Nåväl nog om det, som jag nämnde tidigare kom man hem och var helt öm i musklerna efter dagens åk, p.g.a att man var tvungen att åka lite mera och snabbare för att inte krocka med alla andra som för jämnan var i vägen för en när man skulle ner för berget. Enda vurporna man gjorde var när man skulle av liften, dom är lite efter vid Stevens Pass så vissa liftar har inte den där säkerhetsannordningen man tar ner och kan sätta skidorna/snowboarden på medans man åker upp så det var lite väl jobbigt för ena benet att "hålla i" brädan medans man åkte upp. Väl högst upp i liften så gick det ganska snabbt när man skulle av för att inte fastna i liften när den svängde tillbaka, därav vurpa jag när jag kom en bit nedanför avlastningsplatsen för brädan jag hade hyrt typ skena iväg med mig på den.
Nu har man återigen sett The Bourne Ultimatum, dock denna gång på brorsans 46" LCD TV :D och det är dags att gå och lägga sig. God natt!
torsdag, december 27, 2007
Stevens pass
Imorgon blir det åka av igen, ska upp till Stevens pass med brorsans fru, lillebrorsan, lillebrorsans kompis och några vänner till famlijen, för att åka lite skidor/snowboard. Kommer bli hyfsat dyrt för mig :( för 1 dag kostar det ca $54 för liftkort och jag som inte har någon bräda måste ju då hyra en och det kostar mig runt en $37 så i runda svängar kommer allt gå på en $100. Vilket känns lite väl mycket för 1 dag egentligen men what the heck det är ju jultider och det är inte varje dag jag åker iväg med brorsans fru & co någonstans och åker skidor/snowboard ;)
Allt är packat inför morgondagen så det återstår väl bara att ställa klockan på 06.30 eller dylikt så jag hinner duscha och göra mig iordning innan vi ska iväg imorgon runt 7 snåret.
God natt då! :)
Allt är packat inför morgondagen så det återstår väl bara att ställa klockan på 06.30 eller dylikt så jag hinner duscha och göra mig iordning innan vi ska iväg imorgon runt 7 snåret.
God natt då! :)
onsdag, december 26, 2007
Som jag skrev i mitt inlägg nedanför detta (för dom som inte läst det, läs det i så fall) så hade vi lite besök och det blev en redig middag med en djävla massa akvavit, inte det godaste men det var ju trotts allt jul-nubbe med sill. Efter maten var det presentöppning (igen!) vi har nu firat julafton med presentöppning 3 ggr på 2 dagar, det tycker jag är ganska starkt gjort ;) Dock var det ungarna och gästerna som fick sina presenter denna gång men i alla fall. Efter all presentöppning satte ungarna självfallet igång med att leka med sina nya presenter dom hade fått. Det blev en djävla bra fart på ungarna då, samlat på sig energi från middagen, laddat upp för alla presenterna och sedan få leka med dom ja djävlar det var spring i benen.
Vi vuxna satt ner i vardagsrummet och drack lite kaffe och åt lite kakor samtidigt som vi samtalade om lite allt möjligt. Till slut var gästerna tvugna att röra på sig för dom skulle vidare till andra ställen, vilket lämnade kvar 2 gapande ungar som fortfarande sprang omkring och lekte med sina nya leksaker, jag och mina bröder + lillebrorsans kompis och storebrorsans fru. Vi slog igång TVn för att se om det fanns något intressant att kolla på och det var Pirates of The Caribbean, dock är det fan omöjligt att kolla på en film som går på en vanlig kanal (inte en filmkanal som cinemax eller vad dom nu heter) för att det är fan avbrott stup i kvarten för en massa reklam.
Runt 9 snåret på kvällen beslutade vi oss för att få ungarna i säng och det lyckades vi med relativt smidigt. När ungarna väl var i säng flyttade resterande sällskapet upp till storebrorsans och hans frus sovrum för att fortsätta kolla på filmen där, dock blev väldigt trötta på alla reklamavbrott så vi letade fram filmen på DVD och satte in den, men vi hann inte se något för det blev lite debatt om att alla redan har sett den där filmen så vi kan väl kolla på en som ingen har sett? Vilket vi också gjorde vi ploppade in filmen Stardust.
Jag måste bara göra ett litet uppehåll här och säga det att det är sådanna här filmer som jag verkligen önskar att jag hade en flickvän, som satt brevid mig eller som jag kunde komma hem till och bara mysa med, bara vara med. Den här filmen rörde mig verkligen, jag blev faktiskt lite avundsjuk på min storebror för han hade sin fru precis brevid sig, men vad kan jag göra åt det... inget bara fortsätta leta efter någon som kanske vill dela sitt liv med mig.
Det var en riktig chickflick (tjejfilm för dom som inte vet vad chickflick betyder), men den var exceptionellt bra. Så pass bra att jag rekommenderar den starkt, speciellt nu när det är vintertid då man bara kan kura ihop sig framför TVn och kolla på en riktigt bra film. Jag förstår nu ännu bättre hur man ser att någon skiner upp när denne är kär eller den som man håller kär är i ens närhet.
Med detta lämnar jag er för att krypa ner i min säng och förhoppningsvis få minst 7 timmars sömn. Bilderna som jag lovade finns på lillebrorsans resedagbok så det är bara att klicka sig vidare dit och läsa lite om våra dagar i Kanada och lite annat vi har gjort så ser ni bilderna intill inläggen.
Harre bäst!
Vi vuxna satt ner i vardagsrummet och drack lite kaffe och åt lite kakor samtidigt som vi samtalade om lite allt möjligt. Till slut var gästerna tvugna att röra på sig för dom skulle vidare till andra ställen, vilket lämnade kvar 2 gapande ungar som fortfarande sprang omkring och lekte med sina nya leksaker, jag och mina bröder + lillebrorsans kompis och storebrorsans fru. Vi slog igång TVn för att se om det fanns något intressant att kolla på och det var Pirates of The Caribbean, dock är det fan omöjligt att kolla på en film som går på en vanlig kanal (inte en filmkanal som cinemax eller vad dom nu heter) för att det är fan avbrott stup i kvarten för en massa reklam.
Runt 9 snåret på kvällen beslutade vi oss för att få ungarna i säng och det lyckades vi med relativt smidigt. När ungarna väl var i säng flyttade resterande sällskapet upp till storebrorsans och hans frus sovrum för att fortsätta kolla på filmen där, dock blev väldigt trötta på alla reklamavbrott så vi letade fram filmen på DVD och satte in den, men vi hann inte se något för det blev lite debatt om att alla redan har sett den där filmen så vi kan väl kolla på en som ingen har sett? Vilket vi också gjorde vi ploppade in filmen Stardust.
Jag måste bara göra ett litet uppehåll här och säga det att det är sådanna här filmer som jag verkligen önskar att jag hade en flickvän, som satt brevid mig eller som jag kunde komma hem till och bara mysa med, bara vara med. Den här filmen rörde mig verkligen, jag blev faktiskt lite avundsjuk på min storebror för han hade sin fru precis brevid sig, men vad kan jag göra åt det... inget bara fortsätta leta efter någon som kanske vill dela sitt liv med mig.
Det var en riktig chickflick (tjejfilm för dom som inte vet vad chickflick betyder), men den var exceptionellt bra. Så pass bra att jag rekommenderar den starkt, speciellt nu när det är vintertid då man bara kan kura ihop sig framför TVn och kolla på en riktigt bra film. Jag förstår nu ännu bättre hur man ser att någon skiner upp när denne är kär eller den som man håller kär är i ens närhet.
Med detta lämnar jag er för att krypa ner i min säng och förhoppningsvis få minst 7 timmars sömn. Bilderna som jag lovade finns på lillebrorsans resedagbok så det är bara att klicka sig vidare dit och läsa lite om våra dagar i Kanada och lite annat vi har gjort så ser ni bilderna intill inläggen.
Harre bäst!
tisdag, december 25, 2007
Julafton x2
Det här har varit en väldigt bra jul (i alla fall för min del), det hela börjar med att vi storebrorsan var tvungen att åka till jobbet (PÅ JULAFTON, helt absurt dom gjorde ändå inget vettigt på jobbet i alla fall), nåväl brorsan fick åka hem vid kl. 13 så han var väl hemma runt 14 tiden, då stack vi till brorsans svärmors hus för att fira julafton där. Först var det lite kall öl och glo på lite TV innan middagen, middagen var gigantisk med en stooor kalkon, potatis, ärtor, varma morötter, sparris, fyllning från kalkonen, och en massa sås/gelé.
Efter maten var det dags för ungarnas julbad, då passade vi andra på att lägga fram presenterna och sedan smög jag och brorsans frus bror ut på baksidan med bjällror och spelade tomten och hans renar. Jag ska få se barnens miner när dom hörde att det var tomten som kom och lämnade alla presenterna, det blev ett sjuhelvetes liv på ungarna när dom kom ut och såg alla presenter, och som man gör när man är liten så flög man på presenterna direkt och började riva och slita i alla paket.
När vi kom hem från brorsans svärmor så var det raka spåret i säng för ungarna, då passade vi andra på att plocka fram alla resterande presenter som vi inte hade tagit med till hans svärmor. La det under granen och ställde fram mjölk och kakor åt tomten ;) det hängde strumpor ovanför öppna spisen och dom var ju fyllda dagen därpå. Ungarna blev väldigt exalterade idag också det var ju hur mycket presenter under granen även denna gång.
Jag fick en hel del grejjer som jag nog inte orkar skriva ner här idag, ska få besök om en stund så jag måste hoppa in i duschen och göra mig iordning inför jullunchen och middagen ikväll.
Jag kommer lägga upp bilder ganska snart, dom ligger på min laptop så jag ska bara föra över dom antingen till den här datorn eller fixa så jag får internet på den.
God fortsättning på Er alla :D
Efter maten var det dags för ungarnas julbad, då passade vi andra på att lägga fram presenterna och sedan smög jag och brorsans frus bror ut på baksidan med bjällror och spelade tomten och hans renar. Jag ska få se barnens miner när dom hörde att det var tomten som kom och lämnade alla presenterna, det blev ett sjuhelvetes liv på ungarna när dom kom ut och såg alla presenter, och som man gör när man är liten så flög man på presenterna direkt och började riva och slita i alla paket.
När vi kom hem från brorsans svärmor så var det raka spåret i säng för ungarna, då passade vi andra på att plocka fram alla resterande presenter som vi inte hade tagit med till hans svärmor. La det under granen och ställde fram mjölk och kakor åt tomten ;) det hängde strumpor ovanför öppna spisen och dom var ju fyllda dagen därpå. Ungarna blev väldigt exalterade idag också det var ju hur mycket presenter under granen även denna gång.
Jag fick en hel del grejjer som jag nog inte orkar skriva ner här idag, ska få besök om en stund så jag måste hoppa in i duschen och göra mig iordning inför jullunchen och middagen ikväll.
Jag kommer lägga upp bilder ganska snart, dom ligger på min laptop så jag ska bara föra över dom antingen till den här datorn eller fixa så jag får internet på den.
God fortsättning på Er alla :D
lördag, december 22, 2007
Lite trött
Ja jag har ju inte bloggat på ett tag men det är ju för att jag har varit uppe i Kanada. I Whistler/Blackcomb närmare bestämt och åkt snowboard med min lillebrorsa och hans kompis. Jag orkar tyvärr inte skriva ett väldigt långt inlägg om hur det var där men ni kan läsa mera om resan och upplevelsen på brorsans resedagbok. Klicka på (Whistler)Blackcomb dag 1 och läs.
Jag postar lite bilder imorgon (dom jag lyckas få tag på av lillebrorsan), nu ska ja slagga.
Jag postar lite bilder imorgon (dom jag lyckas få tag på av lillebrorsan), nu ska ja slagga.
tisdag, december 18, 2007
Kanada = Whistler/Blackcomb
Ja då var det snart dags att bege sig uppåt till Kanada :D fy fan vad man är uppe i varv :) Allt är i stort sätt fixat inför resan, vi har musik, pengar, utrustning, pass och ett djävligt gott humör :D Gick runt i en galleria idag och kollade på lite olika saker när jag kom på att jag behövde nya vinterhandskar typ för när jag ska ut och åka snowboard ;) så vi gick runt och kollade i dom olika affärerna och till slut hittade jag ett par Haley-Hansen vantar som passade utmärkt för ändamålet. Köpte dom för hel $98 O_o hutlöst dyrt men fortfarande billigare än hemma (hoppas jag).
Jag har inte packat mina grejjer inför morgondagen men det är väl alltid så med mig, packa i sista stund ;) Jag ska upp tidigt imorgon för att köra storebrorsan till jobbet för att sen åka hem och packa bilen och sen bär det iväg. Jag kommer troligtvis inte kunna blogga när jag är i Kanada men vi ska ta sjukt mycket bilder och kanske lite film. Sen lägger jag upp det här när vi kommer tillbaka, alla kommer bli sååå avundsjuka hehe.
Hoppas man träffar lite fina flickor i Kanada så man kan busa lite i sänghalmen ;) kådisar är ju såklart nerpackat och utgångsdatumet är kontrollerat så här ska inte bli några oväntade graviditeter. Det som återstår nu är väl att publicera detta inlägg och sen packa ihop det lilla man behöver ha med och ställa fram det tills imorgon så man inte glömmer något ;)
Ja harre bäst allesammans :)
Jag har inte packat mina grejjer inför morgondagen men det är väl alltid så med mig, packa i sista stund ;) Jag ska upp tidigt imorgon för att köra storebrorsan till jobbet för att sen åka hem och packa bilen och sen bär det iväg. Jag kommer troligtvis inte kunna blogga när jag är i Kanada men vi ska ta sjukt mycket bilder och kanske lite film. Sen lägger jag upp det här när vi kommer tillbaka, alla kommer bli sååå avundsjuka hehe.
Hoppas man träffar lite fina flickor i Kanada så man kan busa lite i sänghalmen ;) kådisar är ju såklart nerpackat och utgångsdatumet är kontrollerat så här ska inte bli några oväntade graviditeter. Det som återstår nu är väl att publicera detta inlägg och sen packa ihop det lilla man behöver ha med och ställa fram det tills imorgon så man inte glömmer något ;)
Ja harre bäst allesammans :)
söndag, december 16, 2007
Dag 2
Jovars än lever man hehe, fast man känner väl av sin jetlag. Idag var det barnpassning som stod på att-göra-listan, dock från middag och frammåt. Under dagen har vi farit runt och handlat lite julkort, julmat och annat smått och gott. Jag har ju lyckats dra på mig ett munsår som jag tampas med (inte det roligaste) men jag överlever. Som jag nämnde tidigare så känner man av lite jetlag, dock är det enklare att anpassa sig till tiden när man flyger hit än att anpassa sig till tiden när man flyger tillbaka. Jag vaknade kl. 4 i morse och kollade på klockan, nä än ska ja fan inte upp tänkte jag och somnade om. Runt kl. 7.30-8.00 vaknade jag igen och kände att jag var tvungen att kila till toan för morgonrutinen. Någon annan som också hade gjort sin morgonrutin fast i "brallan" vaknade också strax efter att jag kom tillbaka in till mitt rum.
Brorsonen hade med andra ord pinkat rejält och gissa 3 ggr vem som fick byta blöjjan ;) jo jag, inget som jag inte gjort förrut så jag visste vad jag skulle göra. Bara slänga upp ungen i sängen, av med pyjamasen sen blöjan, fram med våtservetterna, torka rent och sen på med ny blöja och på med pyjamasen igen. Dom brukar alltid springa omkring med pyjamas på morgonen men efter frukost är det dags att byta kläder. Sen gjorde vi som sagt en liten utflykt till lite affärer för att inhandla diverse produkter.
Senare på kvällen stack storebrorsan iväg med frugan sin på en företagsfest, i skrivande stund så har dom fortfarande inte kommit hem. Ungarna blev nattade redan vid kl. 20.30. Jag, lillebrorsan och brorsans polare gick upp till övervåningen för att glo lite på TV/film. Vi såg Rush Hour 3, jag har redan sett den en gång men den är sjukt bra så jag kunde titta på den en gång till. Nu har jag planer på att gå och lägga mig för klockan är 23.30, dock undrar jag hur det kommer gå för grannens idiot till son + polare är ute och spelar basketboll mot en stand alone korg, dock lyckas dom ju träffa plankan ett antal gånger med bollen så det ekar ganska fint i området varje gång dom träffar. Funderar på att gå ut och säga till dom ifall någon av barnen vaknar.
Inte mycket till hyffs i detta land märker jag, ingen kännsla för vad som passar att göra vid vissa tider på dygnet. Hmmm nu lät det som att brorsonen vakna, får kolla till honom ifall han lyckats somna om igen eller inte. Som jag lovade i förra inlägget så skulle jag lägga upp lite bilder som ni nu kan se här nedan.

Det var väl det nu är det dags för mig att borsta tänderna och krypa ner :)
Brorsonen hade med andra ord pinkat rejält och gissa 3 ggr vem som fick byta blöjjan ;) jo jag, inget som jag inte gjort förrut så jag visste vad jag skulle göra. Bara slänga upp ungen i sängen, av med pyjamasen sen blöjan, fram med våtservetterna, torka rent och sen på med ny blöja och på med pyjamasen igen. Dom brukar alltid springa omkring med pyjamas på morgonen men efter frukost är det dags att byta kläder. Sen gjorde vi som sagt en liten utflykt till lite affärer för att inhandla diverse produkter.
Senare på kvällen stack storebrorsan iväg med frugan sin på en företagsfest, i skrivande stund så har dom fortfarande inte kommit hem. Ungarna blev nattade redan vid kl. 20.30. Jag, lillebrorsan och brorsans polare gick upp till övervåningen för att glo lite på TV/film. Vi såg Rush Hour 3, jag har redan sett den en gång men den är sjukt bra så jag kunde titta på den en gång till. Nu har jag planer på att gå och lägga mig för klockan är 23.30, dock undrar jag hur det kommer gå för grannens idiot till son + polare är ute och spelar basketboll mot en stand alone korg, dock lyckas dom ju träffa plankan ett antal gånger med bollen så det ekar ganska fint i området varje gång dom träffar. Funderar på att gå ut och säga till dom ifall någon av barnen vaknar.
Inte mycket till hyffs i detta land märker jag, ingen kännsla för vad som passar att göra vid vissa tider på dygnet. Hmmm nu lät det som att brorsonen vakna, får kolla till honom ifall han lyckats somna om igen eller inte. Som jag lovade i förra inlägget så skulle jag lägga upp lite bilder som ni nu kan se här nedan.
Det var väl det nu är det dags för mig att borsta tänderna och krypa ner :)
lördag, december 15, 2007
Då var man framme då!
Jaha det här blir första inlägget i bloggen som är på svenska :) Efter jag vet inte hur många timmar men vi säger X så är vi äntligen framme. Jag måste medge att det kändes lite konstigt att äta middagen runt kl. 3-4 på morgonen (svensk tid) här var ju klockan 18-19. Under resten av tiden som man kommer befinna sig här så kommer bloggen att skrivas på svenska :) Jag har inte ork att lägga upp några bilder idag men jag kan föra över dom imorgon och lägga upp här sen.
Brorsan blev överlycklig av allt godis och gott som han fick men han blev nog mest lycklig över att vi är här :D Jag är själv väldigt glad att vara här, var ju hmm ja runt ett halvår sen vi såg storebrorsan sist. Det kanske inte låter så länge men har man inte träffat sin storebror under merparten av sin uppväxt då han studerade här i USA så försöker man att ta till vara alla tillfällen man har/får. Så nu ska jag inte sitta här och knappra på hans dator, nu ska jag gå ut till vardagsrummet och äta min pajj med glass och glo lite på deras 50" Plasama TV och umgås med min storebrorsa tills jag inte orkar hålla ögonen öppna ;)
Brorsan blev överlycklig av allt godis och gott som han fick men han blev nog mest lycklig över att vi är här :D Jag är själv väldigt glad att vara här, var ju hmm ja runt ett halvår sen vi såg storebrorsan sist. Det kanske inte låter så länge men har man inte träffat sin storebror under merparten av sin uppväxt då han studerade här i USA så försöker man att ta till vara alla tillfällen man har/får. Så nu ska jag inte sitta här och knappra på hans dator, nu ska jag gå ut till vardagsrummet och äta min pajj med glass och glo lite på deras 50" Plasama TV och umgås med min storebrorsa tills jag inte orkar hålla ögonen öppna ;)
fredag, december 14, 2007
The moment of truth
Yes yes yes the moment of truth everyone :) Today is the day (since the clock is past midnight I'm saying that it is today... Friday). Everything is packed and ready to go, I'm one suitcase short but that's good since I'm guessing that we'll have some trouble getting everything in the car tomorrow :S I hope that my big brother brings the big car to pick us up. We got 5 big suitcases, 2 handbagages and 2 snowboards. In thoose suitcases are all the presents and the big fscking order we got from our big brother and the affiliates ;)
I have taken some pictures prior to the start of my packing and my room looked like someone had thrown a bunch of grenades into the middle and closed the door. Well take a look at the pictures below and judge for yourself ;)
First pic of the room (before packing)

Second pic of the room (before packing)

Almost everything in this closet got into the suitcase :)

This is me when I'm done packing ;)

Well nothing more for me todo right now than to put the rest of the stuff (mainly small stuff) in the carry-on luggage and hit the sack since today I'm heading over to the states. YEAH BABY YEAH!!!
I have taken some pictures prior to the start of my packing and my room looked like someone had thrown a bunch of grenades into the middle and closed the door. Well take a look at the pictures below and judge for yourself ;)
First pic of the room (before packing)
Second pic of the room (before packing)
Almost everything in this closet got into the suitcase :)
This is me when I'm done packing ;)
Well nothing more for me todo right now than to put the rest of the stuff (mainly small stuff) in the carry-on luggage and hit the sack since today I'm heading over to the states. YEAH BABY YEAH!!!
torsdag, december 13, 2007
The last week
Boy this week has been long... too long! Friday is just around the corner now (finally!) I've been up all day fixing the last minute things before the trip. Bought some more glögg since my big brother _forgot_ to put it on the shopping list. But he did tell me in time so no harm no faul. Today has been the day that you go and shop the last stuff, which will save tomorrow (Thursday) for the last resort or crucial buy time before the trip, also I've been mixing a CD with some music for the roadtrip up to Canada (Whistler/Blacomb).
I'm also fixing some last minute movies that I haven't seen yet (and hopefully neither have my baby brother or his friend or my big brother and his family). So I'm hoping to bring them something fresh :) I haven't thought about bringing any kids movies hmm maybe I should have bought some? Last minute shopping day... tomorrow.
I have this gift that I bought for a girl I like but I never got around to go visit her and give it to her in person so I guess I'll have to send it by snail-mail to her. Worst part is that I don't remember her address :( I guess I have to pick up the phone and call her tomorrow, go to the post office and mail it to her.
The packing hasn't started yet! O_o but I have organized the stuff that I'm going to bring so the packing part shouldn't take that long. Also I get kinda restless if I would have packed in the begining of this week and I tend to get sharp when the heat is on. So I saved the packing for the last day ;) But now I have to hit the sack before I stay up too long (again!) I'll keep you posted about the events of tomorrow :)
I'm also fixing some last minute movies that I haven't seen yet (and hopefully neither have my baby brother or his friend or my big brother and his family). So I'm hoping to bring them something fresh :) I haven't thought about bringing any kids movies hmm maybe I should have bought some? Last minute shopping day... tomorrow.
I have this gift that I bought for a girl I like but I never got around to go visit her and give it to her in person so I guess I'll have to send it by snail-mail to her. Worst part is that I don't remember her address :( I guess I have to pick up the phone and call her tomorrow, go to the post office and mail it to her.
The packing hasn't started yet! O_o but I have organized the stuff that I'm going to bring so the packing part shouldn't take that long. Also I get kinda restless if I would have packed in the begining of this week and I tend to get sharp when the heat is on. So I saved the packing for the last day ;) But now I have to hit the sack before I stay up too long (again!) I'll keep you posted about the events of tomorrow :)
lördag, december 08, 2007
It's Saturday and that means party time :) Tonight I'm heading over to one of my friends Eva since she is throwing an kinda early christmas party. All my friends are going to be there and probably some new faces that I haven't seen before. It is going to fun, the clock is ticking away and I'm all prepared for the evening, showered, shaved, perfumed and nicely dressed. It seems it's time to go but before I go I promised to write something about a game in this post which I will.
Last night I was at my friends flat and played an old racing game called Need For Speed Underground. I've played it before but as it turned out I had never finished it, luckily for me I brought my saved profile from my xbox and transferred it to his. Put in the game disc and continued where I left off and finally I did beat the game :) I love the story in NFS Underground and Underground 2 too bad that they don't have that kind of story in the new NFS ProStreet game. A well have to get going now :)
Party on!
Last night I was at my friends flat and played an old racing game called Need For Speed Underground. I've played it before but as it turned out I had never finished it, luckily for me I brought my saved profile from my xbox and transferred it to his. Put in the game disc and continued where I left off and finally I did beat the game :) I love the story in NFS Underground and Underground 2 too bad that they don't have that kind of story in the new NFS ProStreet game. A well have to get going now :)
Party on!
fredag, december 07, 2007
One week
Yes folks it's true, from today it's only one week still ahead until we take over the Atlantic ;) I'm going to board that plane like a fat kid on a candybar. Hmm I haven't packed yet but there is still time, first off I have to dig up my snowboard boots and my helmet since we are going to Canada to hit the slopes at Whistler/Blackcomb ski resort. It's going to be so awsome, I do whish that my big brother and his family could come with us but they decided to stay home and do whatever ;)
For those that never have been to Whistler/Blackcomb I can only say one thing... YOU have really missed something! Just take a look at their interactive trail map when we get there we are going to stay in the Whistler Village and probably hit like every local club or bar there is after the day is done on the snowboard :D Girls watch out cause here we come ;)
I have to fix the music for when we are on our roadtrip to the ski resort, I'va already loaded up my mobile phone with loads of tunes. So now the only thing left is to burn some CDs to play in the car. I think that is all I'm going to blog about today ;) tomorrow will be something more game related perhaps :) Oh and I didn't get that job I applied for earlier :( but I don't give a rats ass about that since I'm GOING TO THE STATES (and Canada) wohoo! *jumping around*
Good fight good night ^_^
For those that never have been to Whistler/Blackcomb I can only say one thing... YOU have really missed something! Just take a look at their interactive trail map when we get there we are going to stay in the Whistler Village and probably hit like every local club or bar there is after the day is done on the snowboard :D Girls watch out cause here we come ;)
I have to fix the music for when we are on our roadtrip to the ski resort, I'va already loaded up my mobile phone with loads of tunes. So now the only thing left is to burn some CDs to play in the car. I think that is all I'm going to blog about today ;) tomorrow will be something more game related perhaps :) Oh and I didn't get that job I applied for earlier :( but I don't give a rats ass about that since I'm GOING TO THE STATES (and Canada) wohoo! *jumping around*
Good fight good night ^_^
tisdag, december 04, 2007
It's closing in and it's closing in fast, today I ordered the last christmas gifts. You just got to love online shopping, no standing in line getting irritated at people who aren't as efficient as you are. Or running around in the mall elbowing your way through since everyone else forgot that it's christmas this year too O_o
The countdown is in full effect since we are leaving for the states next friday (Yaye!) I can hardly wait, I haven't started packing yet but I will... soon. No last minute packing, everything is going to be set for the big trip over. I got cash, my passport is in order, my cold is getting better, the only thing left is packing :) maybe loading up my phone with some music, since I now got 4 GB of space on it I should really load it up with some good music that I can listen to on the way over. I also got a tip that you should try to sleep as much as possible on the plane so you don't get so much jetlag.
I'll just pop in my ear-plugs and listen to some music while I sleep, that should probably do the trick. Talking about sleeping I think it's way past my bedtime now ;) so I'll just finish off here and head for bed. Good night!
The countdown is in full effect since we are leaving for the states next friday (Yaye!) I can hardly wait, I haven't started packing yet but I will... soon. No last minute packing, everything is going to be set for the big trip over. I got cash, my passport is in order, my cold is getting better, the only thing left is packing :) maybe loading up my phone with some music, since I now got 4 GB of space on it I should really load it up with some good music that I can listen to on the way over. I also got a tip that you should try to sleep as much as possible on the plane so you don't get so much jetlag.
I'll just pop in my ear-plugs and listen to some music while I sleep, that should probably do the trick. Talking about sleeping I think it's way past my bedtime now ;) so I'll just finish off here and head for bed. Good night!
söndag, december 02, 2007
A day outside
So today was somewhat interesting, I hadn't seen my mother for quite some time so I decided to spend some time with her. Which we did downtown and at the local zoo (Skansen). It was a lot of fun but too bad for me was that I had my cold to battle with the whole day. I don't know if it got any better but I hope that a lot of fresh air is helping me get back on my feet again.
Soon it's time for the big trip to the states (Yaye!) I'm so excited, also once we've gotten there we're leaving for Canada to go skiing. That trip is going to be just like a road trip. Just us guys on our way to the skii resort and a lot of snow. Today I also got the last part for my skii set, namely the pants that goes with my jacket so now I'm all ready to hit the slopes.
Haven't finished any games lately but something will come up here I sense it. I just got Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 so I will hopefully try that out tomorrow since I'm to tired to do anything at this point. My best friend just called and asked if I wanted to play some CS:S and I told him that I was very tired after todays activities so I will most probably NOT join him, but tomorrow is much better since by then I'll be well-rested and fit for fight again ;)
Time to go downstairs and fix me up with some nice health boosting drugs and hit the sack!
Soon it's time for the big trip to the states (Yaye!) I'm so excited, also once we've gotten there we're leaving for Canada to go skiing. That trip is going to be just like a road trip. Just us guys on our way to the skii resort and a lot of snow. Today I also got the last part for my skii set, namely the pants that goes with my jacket so now I'm all ready to hit the slopes.
Haven't finished any games lately but something will come up here I sense it. I just got Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 so I will hopefully try that out tomorrow since I'm to tired to do anything at this point. My best friend just called and asked if I wanted to play some CS:S and I told him that I was very tired after todays activities so I will most probably NOT join him, but tomorrow is much better since by then I'll be well-rested and fit for fight again ;)
Time to go downstairs and fix me up with some nice health boosting drugs and hit the sack!
fredag, november 30, 2007
Cold times 2
It's really interesting to figure out how easy it is for the human body to get a "virus" and then automatically you get stuck in bed. Kinda like this beautiful illustrated video.
So after I've been working on these student fairs it's back to hunting down whatever job opportunity I can get ahold of, I'm still waiting for that call to say wheter I got the job I applied for or not. Well I don't have too much strength left to sit around and blab about everything I've don today, more than sleep that is. So I'll see how I feel tomorrow and maybe then I'll make a new entry in my blog.
*Cough* god night *cough*
So after I've been working on these student fairs it's back to hunting down whatever job opportunity I can get ahold of, I'm still waiting for that call to say wheter I got the job I applied for or not. Well I don't have too much strength left to sit around and blab about everything I've don today, more than sleep that is. So I'll see how I feel tomorrow and maybe then I'll make a new entry in my blog.
*Cough* god night *cough*
tisdag, november 20, 2007
Assassins Creed
So 5 days has passed since I blogged last time O_o time sure flies by, latest game to the pile is Assassins Creed and that is also a game worth it's money. You swiftly move around your character and jump from rooftops to rooftops and on all kinds of stuff that sits between buildings. You have your little fast-blade thingie that shouts out from your arm, and you use that to assassinate your targets nice and easy (and silently). You can also use throwing knives, fist fighting and swords fighting. The game is very evenly balanced and you quickly get the hang of how to play. This game took me 2 days to complete and that isn't necessarily a bad thing, I was up all night and day playing this game so ofcurse it went by fast but if your not unemployed this game will be something thats going to take some time to get through.
Anyway one of my best friends finally got his 46" LCD TV today, I went by to see how it was compared to his old one, and boy that LCD TV just lit up the room and the text was so clear I could stand a mile away and still be able to read it (in comparison to his old TV) ;) Hopefully tomorrow I will get a haircut so I look nice and tidy for when I attend the Stockholm Student Fair this year. I'm going to talk about my university education so I think I'll have to look nice and proper.
I'm still waiting for that call that would insure some money wealth coming my way ;) what I mean is that I still haven't heard anything since the interview but I'm expecting a call or an e-mail for that matter at the end of this week or in the begining of next. I hope I get the position, it would be so much fun to work at a game company. And then I'll probably fall in the routine as shown below ;)
Well thats all for today! I'll be back!
Anyway one of my best friends finally got his 46" LCD TV today, I went by to see how it was compared to his old one, and boy that LCD TV just lit up the room and the text was so clear I could stand a mile away and still be able to read it (in comparison to his old TV) ;) Hopefully tomorrow I will get a haircut so I look nice and tidy for when I attend the Stockholm Student Fair this year. I'm going to talk about my university education so I think I'll have to look nice and proper.
I'm still waiting for that call that would insure some money wealth coming my way ;) what I mean is that I still haven't heard anything since the interview but I'm expecting a call or an e-mail for that matter at the end of this week or in the begining of next. I hope I get the position, it would be so much fun to work at a game company. And then I'll probably fall in the routine as shown below ;)
Well thats all for today! I'll be back!
torsdag, november 15, 2007
Call of Duty 4 = Addictive game
Woah! what a marvelous game Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare is, it completely blew my mind away. I had seen it before but never played it, I watched my baby brother play it on his Xbox360 and I thought 'damn thats nice' he only got through training when we had to leave. So I set out to beat the time in the training level and I was going to bed after that... or so I thought. After beating the training level it all began, my first mission then the next then the next and so it continued. It really was addictive since I had planned to go to bed at midnight but ended up at 2 am in the morning (again!).
If your thinking of buying it, do it, whether you buy it for the Xbox360/PC or the PS3 you will not be disappointed. The graphics are to die for, and if you have a top notch computer that can handle some massive graphics then don't hesitate, buy it!
Still waiting for that call to say whether or not I will get a second interview or not, it's kinda boring sitting home all day doing nothing. Luckily for me, now I have CoD 4 to play :D After that I think I'll move on to an oldie, namely Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. We'll see where I end up ;) Now it's time for bed, tata!
If your thinking of buying it, do it, whether you buy it for the Xbox360/PC or the PS3 you will not be disappointed. The graphics are to die for, and if you have a top notch computer that can handle some massive graphics then don't hesitate, buy it!
Still waiting for that call to say whether or not I will get a second interview or not, it's kinda boring sitting home all day doing nothing. Luckily for me, now I have CoD 4 to play :D After that I think I'll move on to an oldie, namely Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. We'll see where I end up ;) Now it's time for bed, tata!
tisdag, november 06, 2007
Introduction interview
So today I woke up at the sound of my phone sounding the alarm, I picked it up and thought to myself what the hell is it now! And when I saw that it said Alarm in the display I remembered that I had an introduction interview today, silly me but I got out of bed and into the bathroom. I didn't eat any breakfast, ran to the bus and went to the meeting. The train I went on got stuck just before my stop and I whished that I would be on time, magically I did make it in time.
At the introduction interview we talked a little about what the job was all about and then what my role in the whole thing would be. He was a bit fashionable about my background/studies, he also said that I would fit like a glove for this job. I laid all my cards on the table and said that I'm not finished with school and I flunked my math classes and the physics, he accepted that and liked that I was honest. The only catch was that the next interview was on Thursday in two weeks from now, he later called me back the very same day and asked me if Wednesday at 9 am would work for me. I told him that I was going to take moms car to the garage but that in the evening was fine. He said that the evening didn't work too well but this Thursday in the evening and I said that was fine so now I have my interview moved to this week on Thursday (Yaye!).
Flashed my baby brothers new Xbox360 drive but it still has some problem with reading some of the games we have, well that will all be fixed once he gets the new drives from our big brother :)
Now it's time to head on home and fix a few things on the website and then go to bed since I'm taking the car to the garage early tomorrow *sigh*
I'll be back!
At the introduction interview we talked a little about what the job was all about and then what my role in the whole thing would be. He was a bit fashionable about my background/studies, he also said that I would fit like a glove for this job. I laid all my cards on the table and said that I'm not finished with school and I flunked my math classes and the physics, he accepted that and liked that I was honest. The only catch was that the next interview was on Thursday in two weeks from now, he later called me back the very same day and asked me if Wednesday at 9 am would work for me. I told him that I was going to take moms car to the garage but that in the evening was fine. He said that the evening didn't work too well but this Thursday in the evening and I said that was fine so now I have my interview moved to this week on Thursday (Yaye!).
Flashed my baby brothers new Xbox360 drive but it still has some problem with reading some of the games we have, well that will all be fixed once he gets the new drives from our big brother :)
Now it's time to head on home and fix a few things on the website and then go to bed since I'm taking the car to the garage early tomorrow *sigh*
I'll be back!
måndag, november 05, 2007
Internet Marketing Conference
So I attended the Internet Marketing Conference to learn stuff I already knew... hmm yeah thats basicly what happend. I got a good lunch and maybe some more ideas on how to market my upcoming websites and my big brothers wifes website. That said I got up fscking early just to attend this, I only got like 2½ hrs of sleep last night. For some odd reason I couldn't sleep so today I'm tired as hell and will be going to bed like this instant!
Also during my lunch break I recieved a phonecall from my school saying that they want me to attend the stockholm fair for new potential university studnets as an informant for the school I studied at, which is LTU = Luleå University of Technology. I'm going to attend the fair (to be sure to get some extra income) and after that phonecall I recieved another one, this time from a recruiting company that I had been in touch with last week. They said that they wanted to meet with me for a short interview and then they will schedule me for another interview with the company that they are recruiting new talents for. I'm looking forward to this as I now have another shot at getting some income and really make up the plans on how my life might turn out.
That's enough for today since my eyelids are pounding the floor as I type, so I'll brush my teeth and head for bed now. G'Night
Also during my lunch break I recieved a phonecall from my school saying that they want me to attend the stockholm fair for new potential university studnets as an informant for the school I studied at, which is LTU = Luleå University of Technology. I'm going to attend the fair (to be sure to get some extra income) and after that phonecall I recieved another one, this time from a recruiting company that I had been in touch with last week. They said that they wanted to meet with me for a short interview and then they will schedule me for another interview with the company that they are recruiting new talents for. I'm looking forward to this as I now have another shot at getting some income and really make up the plans on how my life might turn out.
That's enough for today since my eyelids are pounding the floor as I type, so I'll brush my teeth and head for bed now. G'Night
lördag, november 03, 2007
O my god what an kick-ass concert it was :D Tonight I went to the Tiësto concert here in Stockholm with 2 of my friends. We came to the concert at 9.20 pm and stood in line for little over an hour. The concert was suppose to start at 10 pm but that was just the warmup DJ until Tiësto arrived. He started playing at midnight and it was sure worth the wait. For 3 hours straight we stood on the dancefloor bouncing up and down :D The feeling is undescribable, being around so many people that loves the same DJ and loves his music, boy that was just amazing. And to top it all off the first snow of the year fell down :D the combination made my night!
Here are some photos from the concert:

Here is a picture of the first snow in Stockholm:

Well time for bed and the time is 5.30 am yeah thats a good time to go to bed ;) Night!
Here are some photos from the concert:
Here is a picture of the first snow in Stockholm:
Well time for bed and the time is 5.30 am yeah thats a good time to go to bed ;) Night!
fredag, november 02, 2007
So it's this time of year again, the kids in the neighborhood are dressing up as whatever scary thing they can come up with, ring the doorbell and say trick or treat. So here is a crash course on how to avoid your mailbox getting smashed. Buy lots and LOTS of candy so they'll be happy and satisfied, and leave your mailbox alone ;)
A new game called TimeShift just came out and that game kinda pushes the physical/possible limits that man wants to achieve, like time-warp, stop time, and reverse time (for a short period of time ofcurse). I should just play for a couple of minutes when I found myself playing for a whole hour. It was actually hard to stop playing since it was so much fun playing around with all the cool features you can do in the game with those time-manipulation toys.
Recently I got a phonecall from a recruiting company that are interested in me since I put my CV on monster (haven't removed it) and the guy I was talking to wouldn't say which company he was recruiting people for but I managed to get some info out of him. The company develops casino games, he also said that the games will be used both in Sweden and Las Vegas... anyway I think he said something like that. Sounds interesting but I haven't gotten to an interview yet.
Today I've only been preparing the website I'm currently working on for more content, and haven't really done anything extra on it. But it will come more pictures and stuff tomorrow. Still strugling with one thing but I guess I'll have that figured out somehow when I'm done with the new picture content that is coming up tomorrow.
Well that is that for today :) time for bed!
A new game called TimeShift just came out and that game kinda pushes the physical/possible limits that man wants to achieve, like time-warp, stop time, and reverse time (for a short period of time ofcurse). I should just play for a couple of minutes when I found myself playing for a whole hour. It was actually hard to stop playing since it was so much fun playing around with all the cool features you can do in the game with those time-manipulation toys.
Recently I got a phonecall from a recruiting company that are interested in me since I put my CV on monster (haven't removed it) and the guy I was talking to wouldn't say which company he was recruiting people for but I managed to get some info out of him. The company develops casino games, he also said that the games will be used both in Sweden and Las Vegas... anyway I think he said something like that. Sounds interesting but I haven't gotten to an interview yet.
Today I've only been preparing the website I'm currently working on for more content, and haven't really done anything extra on it. But it will come more pictures and stuff tomorrow. Still strugling with one thing but I guess I'll have that figured out somehow when I'm done with the new picture content that is coming up tomorrow.
Well that is that for today :) time for bed!
onsdag, oktober 31, 2007
It's this time of year again when everyone starts to get some sort of cold, luckily for me I just got the dripping nose and a weezy throat. I've been taking some naturopathic drug and it helps quite a bit. I started to eat better again, was a few days there that I didn't feel like eating very much since I only laid in bed. I've also been working (now that I feel better) on my big brothers wifes flash site and it's turning out quite nice.
Today I sat and figured out this ActionScripting thing that is so powerful in flash, but it turns out that I can't use AS 3.0 since the template I'm working on uses AS 1.0 & 2.0 and therefore there is no support for AS 3.0 but I figured out how to do the same thing but in AS 2.0 so everyone is happy =)
Haven't really played any games lately, just been sleeping in, getting better and watching some TV, and ofcurse taking care of business (the flash site). I think once the deadline is met and the site is up and running as it should, maybe with some minor flaws. I should be able to play something as a reward to myself for being so super duper extra great :) Well that's that and now I'm off to bed :D
Today I sat and figured out this ActionScripting thing that is so powerful in flash, but it turns out that I can't use AS 3.0 since the template I'm working on uses AS 1.0 & 2.0 and therefore there is no support for AS 3.0 but I figured out how to do the same thing but in AS 2.0 so everyone is happy =)
Haven't really played any games lately, just been sleeping in, getting better and watching some TV, and ofcurse taking care of business (the flash site). I think once the deadline is met and the site is up and running as it should, maybe with some minor flaws. I should be able to play something as a reward to myself for being so super duper extra great :) Well that's that and now I'm off to bed :D
måndag, oktober 22, 2007
The Portal is open!
So today I finished the new game called Portal, it was a bit mindblowing, it got the better part of my brain to start working again since it wasn't just some shoot-em-up first person game thats brain dead. No in this one you had to actually use your brain to get somewhere, at first it was fairly easy but as the game progresses you have to think and plan more and more on what your next step is going to be. I highly recommend to try this new kind of game, it's fun and you never get stuck, just use your imagination when you "get stuck".
My friend came over after his ex had been at their apartment and collected some of her stuff, so to take his mind of things we watched 'Meet the Robinsons' it was a really good animated movie, quite some fun. After that we played some Rally Sport Challange 2 on my Xbox and just hung out as we use to. Tomorrow is monday (how I hate mondays) but not this monday since tomorrow I'm going to finish off some of my laboratory work from school, so I will finally get my degree one day :)
I got ahold of the new laboratory work from this years course and it seemed fairly easy so I'm gonna give it a go and see where I end up ;) Well thats that for now, I think I should get into bed so I won't sleep the whole day tomorrow.
My friend came over after his ex had been at their apartment and collected some of her stuff, so to take his mind of things we watched 'Meet the Robinsons' it was a really good animated movie, quite some fun. After that we played some Rally Sport Challange 2 on my Xbox and just hung out as we use to. Tomorrow is monday (how I hate mondays) but not this monday since tomorrow I'm going to finish off some of my laboratory work from school, so I will finally get my degree one day :)
I got ahold of the new laboratory work from this years course and it seemed fairly easy so I'm gonna give it a go and see where I end up ;) Well thats that for now, I think I should get into bed so I won't sleep the whole day tomorrow.
lördag, oktober 20, 2007
Episode Two
Yesterday I went downtown to pick up my pre-ordered copy of The Orange Box which includes Half-Life 2, HL2: Episode One, HL2: Episode Two, Portal and the new Team Fortress 2. Just to get the story right I played through Episode One again (although I had already done that a while ago but anyway) and after that I started Episode Two to find out that it had an pre-rendered movie from Episode One with some key notes from what happend in the previous episode. A wee bit annoying don't you think? I thought so, anyway after the movie the game starts and I had maxed out the graphics to get the ultimate feeling and boy what a feeling. The story in Half-Life and Half-Life 2 is just to die for, I love when there is a great game with a good story in it. I finished Episode Two in about 2 days time, it was much longer than Episode One, at one point I thought is this never gonna end? But then it did, surprise surprise ;)
I haven't tried Portal or Team Fortress 2 yet but I will. I also have been working on my big brothers wifes new homepage. It's entirely in flash and I haven't worked with flash in a while so it is a bit challenging with the new version and I also haven't worked with an entire homepage made in flash before but it certainly isn't impossible ;) I have done some changes and more will come... tomorrow. I hope to have the site up this weekend so I have some work ahead of me to do :)
Well I'll blog again soon, now I'm off to bed :P
I haven't tried Portal or Team Fortress 2 yet but I will. I also have been working on my big brothers wifes new homepage. It's entirely in flash and I haven't worked with flash in a while so it is a bit challenging with the new version and I also haven't worked with an entire homepage made in flash before but it certainly isn't impossible ;) I have done some changes and more will come... tomorrow. I hope to have the site up this weekend so I have some work ahead of me to do :)
Well I'll blog again soon, now I'm off to bed :P
torsdag, oktober 18, 2007
So I've decided that I'm going to finish my classes that are kinda left behind since I left finished school. I have some Math, Physics, AI programming stuff and my Bachelor Thesis work still left to finish before I can get my graduation. No rush I'll just take one thing at a time and then finish off big :) I'm soon going to the states once more and to Whistler to go skiing, it's gonna me so awsome, we totally are going to bring the digital camera this time.
Watched the Sweden - Northern Ireland soccer game today and the final score was 1 - 1, kinda booring since Sweden had most of the match but hey that's soccer. Oh and that job interview I was on last didn't go as planned but in a way it kinda did. I got the reply that I didn't get the position but that just made room for plan B which is to pick up my studies again and finish them once and for all.
Oh and the movie Ratatouille is a genius movie, I think everyone should go and see it NOW!!! I loved it and so did all my friends who has watched it. Well this wasn't a very long blog today but I suddenly got the memory-of-blankness in my head so I really don't know what more to blog about today, but tomorrow is a new day and I'll probably have something more to blog about then :) Until then...
"Goodby and thanks for all the fish!"
Watched the Sweden - Northern Ireland soccer game today and the final score was 1 - 1, kinda booring since Sweden had most of the match but hey that's soccer. Oh and that job interview I was on last didn't go as planned but in a way it kinda did. I got the reply that I didn't get the position but that just made room for plan B which is to pick up my studies again and finish them once and for all.
Oh and the movie Ratatouille is a genius movie, I think everyone should go and see it NOW!!! I loved it and so did all my friends who has watched it. Well this wasn't a very long blog today but I suddenly got the memory-of-blankness in my head so I really don't know what more to blog about today, but tomorrow is a new day and I'll probably have something more to blog about then :) Until then...
"Goodby and thanks for all the fish!"
fredag, oktober 12, 2007
Wild hogs
I watched a great movie today, wild hogs (yepp as the topic) and ate dinner with my friend. It was a real comedy I can tell you that for sure, because I laughed so much I got tummyache. After the movie I went home, and played some Counter-Strike Source (GunGame) with my friend who I had had dinner with and watched the movie. Why I had to get home was that dad wanted to get a mail to the last minute mail box.
After we had killed some peeps in the virtual world we decided to check out the latest computer stuff and see what we can afford (soon). I'm looking to upgrade my CPU and Graphics Card. When I've done that my baby brother can have my old CPU which is way better then the one he is having right now. Also if my currently owned Graphics Card is better then the one he has right now he can have mine once I install my new one.
Damn I'm getting really tired, my eyelids are heavy as a rock, I guess I'll better hit the sack now. And for the sake of it I hope that Academic Work calls me tomorrow with some news, hopefully before the cruise I'm going on :)
Well good night folks!
After we had killed some peeps in the virtual world we decided to check out the latest computer stuff and see what we can afford (soon). I'm looking to upgrade my CPU and Graphics Card. When I've done that my baby brother can have my old CPU which is way better then the one he is having right now. Also if my currently owned Graphics Card is better then the one he has right now he can have mine once I install my new one.
Damn I'm getting really tired, my eyelids are heavy as a rock, I guess I'll better hit the sack now. And for the sake of it I hope that Academic Work calls me tomorrow with some news, hopefully before the cruise I'm going on :)
Well good night folks!
måndag, oktober 08, 2007
Another one
So I've been up to some stuff, running around to interviews, spending some time with my friends and family. Guess what? Yepp I got yet another interview, well I actually got turned down on one of my interviews last week but the guys that where interviewving me got a very good impression of me and they decided to offer me another position in one of their affiliated companies (which are in the same building). I got positive to the idea so I accepted the interview offer and now I have one tomorrow.
I still haven't heard from the other one, but I'm still waiting for the phone to ring. Anyway this sunday I watched a movie called Deck the Halls and it was really great, really christmassy. Next up I think I'll be watching Wild Hogs. Some series have started again that I haven't noticed until yesterday, I recently watched the new episodes of Las Vegas and I loved it, interesting turn of events in the series.
Boy I wounder when I'm gonna get a job, and if I get to the point where I have to choose between 2 I don't know which one :S I kinda like them both but maybe one is going to play the other one out. On wednesday I'm going golfing again with mom, I don't know if my baby brother is coming but if he is thats gonna be great, otherwise it'll just be mom and I :) Well I guess I shoud be heading for bed now but I'm not feeling tierd at all, maybe I'll just watch an episode of Two and a half Men and then hit the pillow.
I still haven't heard from the other one, but I'm still waiting for the phone to ring. Anyway this sunday I watched a movie called Deck the Halls and it was really great, really christmassy. Next up I think I'll be watching Wild Hogs. Some series have started again that I haven't noticed until yesterday, I recently watched the new episodes of Las Vegas and I loved it, interesting turn of events in the series.
Boy I wounder when I'm gonna get a job, and if I get to the point where I have to choose between 2 I don't know which one :S I kinda like them both but maybe one is going to play the other one out. On wednesday I'm going golfing again with mom, I don't know if my baby brother is coming but if he is thats gonna be great, otherwise it'll just be mom and I :) Well I guess I shoud be heading for bed now but I'm not feeling tierd at all, maybe I'll just watch an episode of Two and a half Men and then hit the pillow.
tisdag, oktober 02, 2007
Short blog today since I'm heading of to bed. Just a pop in notice that I got a interview offering today from a consulting company called xlnt. They wanted me to come in for an interview for one of their jobs at one of their clients. I got this call since I had registered my CV at monster.se and of course my big brother deserves all the credit since he was the one that gave me the tip to put my CV there. Now all of a sudden I have 2 interviews to go to this week and we'll see how it goes. I'll be updating more frequently now (I think) ;)
Well time for bed!
Ta ta!
Well time for bed!
Ta ta!
söndag, september 30, 2007
This weekend was a killer, had a guys only weekend at a friends house. A big flatscreen TV and 2 xbox360s (and a normal fat TV) a couple of games, beers and pizza. Once again we've saved the world from destruction ;) It was very relieving just hanging out with some friends and talking about everything and without any girls around poking their nose in the comments we made ;) thus a guys only weekend. I think that the last game we played before we went to bed was Tiger Woods PGA 08 and I was barely awake when we played since the time was 4 am. I think we played 'one ball' and it was my turn, when I did my chip I did a chip-in that resulted in an eagle. Anyway I almost did the same thing today on the golf course. Yes a computer geek like me playes golf amazing isn't it :P
It started out as a very bad plan but actually went really well, and I hope mom did have a good time. I know that I hit the ball way longer than she does but she still hangs in there and keeps up, I think thats very strong of her to do so. Of course everyone has bad days or bad hits sometimes and I sure had my share of that cake today ;) (hungover and tired on the golf course isn't really the day your are dreaming about).
Well it looks like I'm going to the states once more this christmas/new years to be with my big brother and his family. The tickets are bought and now it's just the long wait till the departure day :P In the meantime until that day I will be going to an interview for a job (or some jobs), maybe take up my school books and finish some of those math classes that are still unfinished and go to a concert where DJ Tiësto will play. One thing that isn't clear to me is the trip to Whistler that my baby brother wants to make, what I'm worried about is the economy for that little trip up to Canada and back. I'll have to talk to him tomorrow or this week and see how he has planned that.
Time to charge my cell phone and go to bed :) Night ya'll and catch you later!
It started out as a very bad plan but actually went really well, and I hope mom did have a good time. I know that I hit the ball way longer than she does but she still hangs in there and keeps up, I think thats very strong of her to do so. Of course everyone has bad days or bad hits sometimes and I sure had my share of that cake today ;) (hungover and tired on the golf course isn't really the day your are dreaming about).
Well it looks like I'm going to the states once more this christmas/new years to be with my big brother and his family. The tickets are bought and now it's just the long wait till the departure day :P In the meantime until that day I will be going to an interview for a job (or some jobs), maybe take up my school books and finish some of those math classes that are still unfinished and go to a concert where DJ Tiësto will play. One thing that isn't clear to me is the trip to Whistler that my baby brother wants to make, what I'm worried about is the economy for that little trip up to Canada and back. I'll have to talk to him tomorrow or this week and see how he has planned that.
Time to charge my cell phone and go to bed :) Night ya'll and catch you later!
fredag, september 28, 2007
So things are going a bit slowly now but still forward, I talked to my big brother today and also argued with my dad about my future plans that I might have. I prefer to get a grip of the situation before I share it with everybody else, and for some strange reason I might have gotten a grip on it. After I talked with my big brother (after my dad had talked to him) I started to make up my plan in my head, after the phonecall I shared my plans with my dad and he seemed calm about how I had thought out my future. Whats been going so slow is that I am trying to get a hold of some professors or math teachers at KTH here in Stockholm but they are a bit hard to get a hold of but I'm still trying.
Another thing that has been going on is that my friends girlfriend moved out from their apartment, I on the other hand see that as a sign of splitting up. I think he sees it too but doesn't really want to realise it, but I guess he'll do it eventually. Although I think that they should have talked more to each other than just one of them picks up their stuff and leaves. But not really my cup of tea or something like that. I read/heard (don't know if it's true) that you could take the number of years/months you have been together and devide it by 2 and thats how many years/months you have been breaking up, as I said I don't know if that is true so don't go thinking about it.
I got an interview next week and I'll see how that goes, if it goes well I'll get called for a second interview, and I think after that I get the job. But if I don't get that job I'll continue to finish my studies. I have my Math classes and some Physics and my Bachelors Thesis still left to do before I can get my graduation. I'll work on that as soon as this interview thingie is over. Talking of which, I need to go out and buy myself some new shirts and maybe a new pair of pants so I can look extra good when I go to that interview :) it's always good to make a good first impression.
Well I'll blog soon (I hope) C YA!
Another thing that has been going on is that my friends girlfriend moved out from their apartment, I on the other hand see that as a sign of splitting up. I think he sees it too but doesn't really want to realise it, but I guess he'll do it eventually. Although I think that they should have talked more to each other than just one of them picks up their stuff and leaves. But not really my cup of tea or something like that. I read/heard (don't know if it's true) that you could take the number of years/months you have been together and devide it by 2 and thats how many years/months you have been breaking up, as I said I don't know if that is true so don't go thinking about it.
I got an interview next week and I'll see how that goes, if it goes well I'll get called for a second interview, and I think after that I get the job. But if I don't get that job I'll continue to finish my studies. I have my Math classes and some Physics and my Bachelors Thesis still left to do before I can get my graduation. I'll work on that as soon as this interview thingie is over. Talking of which, I need to go out and buy myself some new shirts and maybe a new pair of pants so I can look extra good when I go to that interview :) it's always good to make a good first impression.
Well I'll blog soon (I hope) C YA!
torsdag, september 20, 2007
Hair-cut + computer problems
So, tomorrow I'm getting a hair-cut and I can tell you it's needed. I hate when my hair is so big it goes over my ears, I want it short, maybe if someone could invent a invisible haircutter that lets you have the hair-cut you want. Hmm on the other hand I think I've been watching a teedy bit much of the series Eureka ;) It is a very good sci-fi series. I'm not in to much of that sci-fi stuff but it's fun to watch all those strange stuff happening in the town Eureka, maybe that's where they got the name for the show ;)
A well after my hair-cut I'm going to one of moms colleagues to fix their computer, they have a very odd problem, but it sounds very familiar to the Blaster virus, and what it does to the computer. Basically what the Blaster virus does is to shutdown a very important service in the computer and Windows is designed so when that particular service is closed it has to reboot the computer. The problem here is that their computer works fine until they log on to the internet then it reboots. So I guess I'll find out whats wrong tomorrow when I'm there.
Oh and a week or so back I finished Prince of Persia: Rival Swords on my Wii, it was a pretty cool game and the developers had rewritten the controls for it in a good way. You interacted so much more with the character in the game now that you had to flick and swing the controls to make the character do the moves you want him to do. That's what I love about the Wii console :) the interaction part it feels like a whole new dimension of gaming :) Probably why Nintendo designed it that way ;)
Well it's gonna be an interesting day tomorrow so I'll better get some sleep while I still can. Good night and sleep tight!
A well after my hair-cut I'm going to one of moms colleagues to fix their computer, they have a very odd problem, but it sounds very familiar to the Blaster virus, and what it does to the computer. Basically what the Blaster virus does is to shutdown a very important service in the computer and Windows is designed so when that particular service is closed it has to reboot the computer. The problem here is that their computer works fine until they log on to the internet then it reboots. So I guess I'll find out whats wrong tomorrow when I'm there.
Oh and a week or so back I finished Prince of Persia: Rival Swords on my Wii, it was a pretty cool game and the developers had rewritten the controls for it in a good way. You interacted so much more with the character in the game now that you had to flick and swing the controls to make the character do the moves you want him to do. That's what I love about the Wii console :) the interaction part it feels like a whole new dimension of gaming :) Probably why Nintendo designed it that way ;)
Well it's gonna be an interesting day tomorrow so I'll better get some sleep while I still can. Good night and sleep tight!
måndag, september 17, 2007
Thats a week?
Well guess time just flew by since I haven't posted anything during this past week and now the weekend is over. Guess I've just been busy, or something. All I can recall is that I have been haning out with my friends alot this week/weekend, and so therefore never had the time or make the effort to blog a single time. I did start my IP tool project but since all of my friends have been home from either work or school and want to hang out with me I haven't gotten so far with it. But I'm working on it, I also got new orders to help out more now that I'm home, but they could just have asked and I would have helped them instead of getting "yelled" at.
Hope to hear from the consultant agency tomorrow, I am going to call them anyway to see if I got the job I was interviewed for or not. Maybe I'll get an update on how far they have come to make their decision. I'm looking at more options to where I might find a new job since alot of companies are now hiring new people. I'm gonna check out monster (got the tip from my big brother). All of a sudden I got alot of stuff to do this week :/ not that I planned it but I guess I'll be making alot of phonecalls during this week to get some school and work stuff organized.
Shoot my tea is out and that means that I should probably head for my bed, so until further notice I say good night and head on for my pillow ^_^ tata!
Hope to hear from the consultant agency tomorrow, I am going to call them anyway to see if I got the job I was interviewed for or not. Maybe I'll get an update on how far they have come to make their decision. I'm looking at more options to where I might find a new job since alot of companies are now hiring new people. I'm gonna check out monster (got the tip from my big brother). All of a sudden I got alot of stuff to do this week :/ not that I planned it but I guess I'll be making alot of phonecalls during this week to get some school and work stuff organized.
Shoot my tea is out and that means that I should probably head for my bed, so until further notice I say good night and head on for my pillow ^_^ tata!
måndag, september 10, 2007
Funny stuff
So this weekend passed and it was a hell of a good weekend :D It all started out with my interview on Friday (which I still don't know if I got the job or not but this week will tell) I walked away from that interview with a non-cocky confidence, I more or less felt like I got the job but lets not jump through hoops to soon. After my interview I dined with my friends at their place, we played some games and watched some TV before I decided it was time to go home. I started to feel tired and I don't want to drive sleepy. The next day started out all right, ate some breakfast, helped dad with some grocery shopping, once that was done I started to pack some because I and my friends where gonna have a guys night only on that Saturday. And we did, we arrived around noon to one of our friends, went out to eat some lunch then back to his place and set up the Xbox360 and the Wii. We played all night long (had a wonderful dinner on top of that), and when the clock strike midnight I started to get pretty darn tired so we made the beds and went to sleep.
The next day we had some breakfast and played some more, until noon I think then we packed our stuff and headed back home. It was quite fun doing that, no one was there to tell us that we where booring or be more social... at that point we where as social as guys can get (mostly) we where all playing together and we where having a blast so I don't see the "non"-social stuff in that. Ofcurse we where shouting and cheering, we played fotball :D (and we watched the soccer game on the other TV while playing Tennis on the other) unfortunately Sweden played 0-0 against Denmark but it looks like we are going to play in the European Masters anyway :D
Read my frinds blog and found out that you could simpsonize yourself just by uploading a photo of yourself at www.simpsonizeme.com I uploaded a picture of myself and simpsonized myself :D end below are the results.

Well guess I'll be heading for my bed now :D catch you later!
The next day we had some breakfast and played some more, until noon I think then we packed our stuff and headed back home. It was quite fun doing that, no one was there to tell us that we where booring or be more social... at that point we where as social as guys can get (mostly) we where all playing together and we where having a blast so I don't see the "non"-social stuff in that. Ofcurse we where shouting and cheering, we played fotball :D (and we watched the soccer game on the other TV while playing Tennis on the other) unfortunately Sweden played 0-0 against Denmark but it looks like we are going to play in the European Masters anyway :D
Read my frinds blog and found out that you could simpsonize yourself just by uploading a photo of yourself at www.simpsonizeme.com I uploaded a picture of myself and simpsonized myself :D end below are the results.
Well guess I'll be heading for my bed now :D catch you later!
fredag, september 07, 2007
And liftoff
Yepp now I've just launched my new webpage go check it out :D Finished up some last minute touch ups and then put it online. I must say that it looks pretty darn better now than the old one. The old one was just something I threw together in a quick pace to have something to show. Now I got a little bit more time to make it look good and well see for yourself :P
Nothing much has happend, went to the gym yesterday and did some power pilates. Boy was that a good workout, I could nearly get out of bed this morning, I had to roll of the bed since I couldn't really do a full crunch to get up straight. I really felt the workout from yesterdays training so I probably did something right ;) Anyway my friend came by today since his girlfriend had thrown him out for the evening because she was gonna arrange some sort och ladies night at their place so he couldn't be there. I went and picked him up at his parents house and once we got back home we immediately started playing on my Wii :) We played some golf, sorted some pussle out in Prince of Persia and flew some airplanes in Balzing Angels.
Well tomorrow is a big day because I have an interview tomorrow in the afternoon so I'll better get some sleep and clear out my head before I go to it. And with that I leave for bed. G'night!
Nothing much has happend, went to the gym yesterday and did some power pilates. Boy was that a good workout, I could nearly get out of bed this morning, I had to roll of the bed since I couldn't really do a full crunch to get up straight. I really felt the workout from yesterdays training so I probably did something right ;) Anyway my friend came by today since his girlfriend had thrown him out for the evening because she was gonna arrange some sort och ladies night at their place so he couldn't be there. I went and picked him up at his parents house and once we got back home we immediately started playing on my Wii :) We played some golf, sorted some pussle out in Prince of Persia and flew some airplanes in Balzing Angels.
Well tomorrow is a big day because I have an interview tomorrow in the afternoon so I'll better get some sleep and clear out my head before I go to it. And with that I leave for bed. G'night!
torsdag, september 06, 2007
Some stuff
Okey sorry for not posting in a few days but I've been a tad bit busy with helping my friends, helping around at home. I also started to design my new homepage, it looks kinda cool. Way better then the one I have atm. Here's a preview of what it's gonna look like when it's finished.

I have been fixing my friends Xbox360 these past 2 days, for some strange reason his drive stopped reading discs. We thought that it was something wrong with the flash but it wasn't. So I took the 360 console to my old workplace and they told me that it was an easy thing to fix since the little magnet inside the drive that holds the disc in place via a metal connection in the top of the drive had gotten loose so we opened the drive there and just put the magnet back in it's place (with a little super glue on it first so it won't loosen again!). That thing could aparently happen to any of the xbox 360 drives, I didn't know that it was that easy but now I do and the next time it happens I know what to do :D
Well not so long post today but I really have to sleep so I'll try to post some more tomorrow or after my interview on Friday (yes I have one this Friday, yaye!).
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"
I have been fixing my friends Xbox360 these past 2 days, for some strange reason his drive stopped reading discs. We thought that it was something wrong with the flash but it wasn't. So I took the 360 console to my old workplace and they told me that it was an easy thing to fix since the little magnet inside the drive that holds the disc in place via a metal connection in the top of the drive had gotten loose so we opened the drive there and just put the magnet back in it's place (with a little super glue on it first so it won't loosen again!). That thing could aparently happen to any of the xbox 360 drives, I didn't know that it was that easy but now I do and the next time it happens I know what to do :D
Well not so long post today but I really have to sleep so I'll try to post some more tomorrow or after my interview on Friday (yes I have one this Friday, yaye!).
"So long and thanks for all the fish!"
fredag, augusti 31, 2007
Tam tam tam! :-)
And here I am (again) ;) Today was my first day on the "couch" and it was very nice to not have anything to do at all, atleast nothing hanging over my head telling me I need to work. But I wasn't home all day, I did run some errands for my mom and my dad. Bought some paint, picked up dads dry-cleaning, dropped off moms car at the workshop and it turned out that it's not anything critical. So I guess we'll be going to Uppsala after all this weekend, it's gonna be soo fun to meet with all the relatives.
Furthermore I sent my CV to 2 new jobs and my consultant cheif e-mailed me and told me that one of her colleagues is going to contact me, but he hadn't called today so I'm guessing he'll call me tomorrow about one of the jobs I applied for. If I get it I will most probably give 100% so I don't lose this one too, then it's going to be some kind of bad aura hanging over me or something ;)
After I applied for some jobs I went out and bought a new soundcard since the one I had was a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy, I calculated that everything in my computer was upgraded but not the soundcard, that could explain the crackle in my headphones. So maybe I didn't need to buy a new pair of headphones but I wanted them anyway so I don't feel like I've wasted money on a cheap/poor product since these headphones are DJ headphones of high quality (from Sony) ^_^ A well once I installed my new soundcard the crackle actually disappeared. The soundcard that I bought was a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer

For that tiny card I got a huge box, talk about compensation for something ;) anyway now I listen to music and sounds with cristal clear sharpness or something. Now my computer is finally up-to-date (even with updates for winblows). I played Prince of Persia on my Wii and boy is that a neat game, especially when you get to fight :D since you interact so much with the character the game gets a whole different level of interest. And I also played some Test Drive Unlimited on my computer and the graphics in that game is just astonishing, although I have a pretty good graphics card my computer sacked but after installing a patch for the game it started to work better. I'll keep you posted about my job situation and maybe some game review later on, finished Rainbow Six Vegas last night so I'll probably write something about that ;) Now I'm off to bed (finally!)
Sleepers creepers :P
Furthermore I sent my CV to 2 new jobs and my consultant cheif e-mailed me and told me that one of her colleagues is going to contact me, but he hadn't called today so I'm guessing he'll call me tomorrow about one of the jobs I applied for. If I get it I will most probably give 100% so I don't lose this one too, then it's going to be some kind of bad aura hanging over me or something ;)
After I applied for some jobs I went out and bought a new soundcard since the one I had was a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy, I calculated that everything in my computer was upgraded but not the soundcard, that could explain the crackle in my headphones. So maybe I didn't need to buy a new pair of headphones but I wanted them anyway so I don't feel like I've wasted money on a cheap/poor product since these headphones are DJ headphones of high quality (from Sony) ^_^ A well once I installed my new soundcard the crackle actually disappeared. The soundcard that I bought was a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer
For that tiny card I got a huge box, talk about compensation for something ;) anyway now I listen to music and sounds with cristal clear sharpness or something. Now my computer is finally up-to-date (even with updates for winblows). I played Prince of Persia on my Wii and boy is that a neat game, especially when you get to fight :D since you interact so much with the character the game gets a whole different level of interest. And I also played some Test Drive Unlimited on my computer and the graphics in that game is just astonishing, although I have a pretty good graphics card my computer sacked but after installing a patch for the game it started to work better. I'll keep you posted about my job situation and maybe some game review later on, finished Rainbow Six Vegas last night so I'll probably write something about that ;) Now I'm off to bed (finally!)
Sleepers creepers :P
onsdag, augusti 29, 2007
So whats up?
Well I worked my last day, so now I'm looking for work again but with the current request for programmers and systemadministrators out there on the market it shouldn't be so hard to find a new job. I have already sent my resume to a couple of companies so hope to hear from atleast one of them soon. I can say that I walked away with my head still high since I managed to fix the last bugs in the part of the menu I was working on so now atleast that part is functional. It's funny how things work out sometimes, I really wanted this language selection menu to work before I left work and with some effort I got it together :D furthermore my big brother called and wanted to check in on me, see how I felt and how I was holding up. I really appreciated that, felt like I had someone who cared about what happens to me even though we are so far away from each other.
On my way home from work today I stopped by one of the many computer/game/hardware stores we have here, and bought myself a new pair of real DJ headphones.

From one thing to another, tomorrow is Thursday and I promised my mom to take her car to the workshop so the technician can take a look at the front right wheel. Strange noices have been coming from the right side of the car. I hope it's nothing serious since mom and I are going to Uppsala this weekend and we where planning on taking the car. Well if the technician says we can't drive it I'll just have to call my friend and ask him if we could borrow his car (he told me that we could but I'll ask anyway).
Right before bed I watched an episode of In Case of Emergency and boy is that one of the best series I have EVER watched! I watched episode 7 and the ending of it was soo good I could go to bed and don't feel any anger that I was fired. And that song at the end of the episode, it was a song by Boston - More than a feeling and here is a cool video (thus from Scrubs)
You can find the whole song here now I'm off to bed :)
Catch you later alligator!
On my way home from work today I stopped by one of the many computer/game/hardware stores we have here, and bought myself a new pair of real DJ headphones.
From one thing to another, tomorrow is Thursday and I promised my mom to take her car to the workshop so the technician can take a look at the front right wheel. Strange noices have been coming from the right side of the car. I hope it's nothing serious since mom and I are going to Uppsala this weekend and we where planning on taking the car. Well if the technician says we can't drive it I'll just have to call my friend and ask him if we could borrow his car (he told me that we could but I'll ask anyway).
Right before bed I watched an episode of In Case of Emergency and boy is that one of the best series I have EVER watched! I watched episode 7 and the ending of it was soo good I could go to bed and don't feel any anger that I was fired. And that song at the end of the episode, it was a song by Boston - More than a feeling and here is a cool video (thus from Scrubs)
You can find the whole song here now I'm off to bed :)
Catch you later alligator!
måndag, augusti 27, 2007
Well that's that
So, a bit of sad news today, I just got my 3 days notice that from Wednesday I'm out of work. Well this job maybe wasn't my dream job and one part of me feels relieved that I don't need to come back and do this booring testing stuff, but the other part kinda feels let down since I now don't have that money coming in every month. Well depending on how fast I get a new job from my consultant chief, or how fast I manage to fix a job by my self. I'm thinking of sending my resume to all the big game developing companies here in Sweden. It would also be a good thing to finish off some of the remaining courses that I haven't finished when I was studying. And during that time I'm thinking of taking a part time job so I atleast get some extra cash every month. My consultant chief told me to logon to their website and check out all the jobs that are up for grabs.
And thus when I came home and did that their database server had crashed, just my luck. But there is a day tomorrow too so I'll just check tomorrow when I get home. I didn't really feel like I was in the right place when I was working there anyway so when I look back at it I felt uncomfortable since I was hired there as a Junior Programmer but what did I really do? Test those got damn phones. I only wonder WHO is gonna test the rest of them now when I'm gone? Are they gonna hire some new talented guy and drain his ass with mobile phone testing? Or are they actually gonna do some testing themselves? Thats one of the many questions I'm never gonna get answered but frankly I couldn't care less at this point.
I can't change what has happend but I sure can change whats gonna happen in the future. So in spite of everything that has happend I'm gonna give 100% the last days and keep my head up high when I leave them. In that way they can't think anything bad about me without thinking that I actually walked out with pride (or something like that). Blah tired of writing about that stuff, now on to more interesting stuff like BioShock yes I said BioShock :)
This past weekend I bought it and installed it as soon as I got home, ate some dinner first and then started to play it. The recommended system for playing this game is:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT 512MB (or other Direct X 9.0c compliant cards with 512MB)
Sound Card: Something that works with Direct X 9.0c
And to all that I can only add that that is the specs for my currently owned computer so the game did actually run in full resolution with very little lag or no lag at all (depending on the environment). I'll post some in-game pictures later now I'm off to bed :D since I still have a job to go to tomorrow bleh.
A small edit to the BioShock game, here is a link to a trailer I really like. Just take a look at those graphics (yummie!)
And thus when I came home and did that their database server had crashed, just my luck. But there is a day tomorrow too so I'll just check tomorrow when I get home. I didn't really feel like I was in the right place when I was working there anyway so when I look back at it I felt uncomfortable since I was hired there as a Junior Programmer but what did I really do? Test those got damn phones. I only wonder WHO is gonna test the rest of them now when I'm gone? Are they gonna hire some new talented guy and drain his ass with mobile phone testing? Or are they actually gonna do some testing themselves? Thats one of the many questions I'm never gonna get answered but frankly I couldn't care less at this point.
I can't change what has happend but I sure can change whats gonna happen in the future. So in spite of everything that has happend I'm gonna give 100% the last days and keep my head up high when I leave them. In that way they can't think anything bad about me without thinking that I actually walked out with pride (or something like that). Blah tired of writing about that stuff, now on to more interesting stuff like BioShock yes I said BioShock :)
This past weekend I bought it and installed it as soon as I got home, ate some dinner first and then started to play it. The recommended system for playing this game is:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT 512MB (or other Direct X 9.0c compliant cards with 512MB)
Sound Card: Something that works with Direct X 9.0c
And to all that I can only add that that is the specs for my currently owned computer so the game did actually run in full resolution with very little lag or no lag at all (depending on the environment). I'll post some in-game pictures later now I'm off to bed :D since I still have a job to go to tomorrow bleh.
A small edit to the BioShock game, here is a link to a trailer I really like. Just take a look at those graphics (yummie!)
onsdag, augusti 22, 2007
Frightening and enlighting
A new day, and more work. Well at work there is not much hassle, I go in, sit down at my computer have my cup of coffee, eat a sandwich and read the news. When I logged on to MSN I got a message from an old classmate telling to watch a movie that has been posted on the net. I thought sure why not and so I clicked the link and started to stream the movie, after 5 minutes I noticed that this movie was 1h 56m 23s long!!! Why did he want me to watch a movie that long and as I listen and watch further I get enlighten in how from early history to todays presence of how people with power are manipulating the society to "walk" in the direction that they want. And thus this movie explained a whole lot of interesting stuff that has been on the "table" for a while.
A Warning to all! I reject all accusations towards me, if YOU click on the link then I'm not responsible for any actions you may do/take, and thus I can't be held responsible for anything since YOU clicked on the link!!! I'm just spreading the knowledge of someone elses work!
And when the legal stuff is out of the way here is a link to the movie http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
Man what a booring "job" I have atm, I don't have to use my brain on what I'm doing, most people would maybe want that kind of a job where they don't have to hassle their precious minds but I'm quite the oposite, I want to use my brain especially for programming since I "slaved" through 3 YEARS! of games programming!
Well well look at the time it just flies by ;) time to go home and hit the gym! Todeloo ^_^
A Warning to all! I reject all accusations towards me, if YOU click on the link then I'm not responsible for any actions you may do/take, and thus I can't be held responsible for anything since YOU clicked on the link!!! I'm just spreading the knowledge of someone elses work!
And when the legal stuff is out of the way here is a link to the movie http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/
Man what a booring "job" I have atm, I don't have to use my brain on what I'm doing, most people would maybe want that kind of a job where they don't have to hassle their precious minds but I'm quite the oposite, I want to use my brain especially for programming since I "slaved" through 3 YEARS! of games programming!
Well well look at the time it just flies by ;) time to go home and hit the gym! Todeloo ^_^
tisdag, augusti 21, 2007
Up and down
Or sideways! Mostly anyway you want :) Last night I got cought up with helping my friend configurate his big brothers new ADSL connection with wireless connectivity at home. We where supposed to play some on my Wii-console when I got back from the gym but I got a call from him when he asked me if I could bring my laptop and help, it shouldn't take long it just needs some quick configuration. Sure everything evolving computers takes just a few minutes to fix but we got stuck there trying to enable all kinds of security for the wireless connection. And once that was done we heleped his big brother to understand how to rip his own CDs so he could put them onto his mp3-player.
The time flew away and I ended up home alone with no friend to play with since his gf called him and asked when he was coming home. Boy those girlfriends that just can't go to bed alone, I wounder how they did it before they met someone? Now I'm just complaining and some may think/say that "you'll just wait until you get yourself a girlfriend of your own..." (yeah I don't have one... atm) but I can tell you this even when I find myself a new girlfriend I'm gonna lay down some rules, if she doesn't like it then fine, I'm not saying that I don't want to compromise but there are certain interests of mine that my girlfriend has to respect and don't nag me.
Well as people say: I'll cross that bridge when that day comes. Now it's time to head home and maybe I'll swing by my friends place with my Wii-console.
Over and out!
The time flew away and I ended up home alone with no friend to play with since his gf called him and asked when he was coming home. Boy those girlfriends that just can't go to bed alone, I wounder how they did it before they met someone? Now I'm just complaining and some may think/say that "you'll just wait until you get yourself a girlfriend of your own..." (yeah I don't have one... atm) but I can tell you this even when I find myself a new girlfriend I'm gonna lay down some rules, if she doesn't like it then fine, I'm not saying that I don't want to compromise but there are certain interests of mine that my girlfriend has to respect and don't nag me.
Well as people say: I'll cross that bridge when that day comes. Now it's time to head home and maybe I'll swing by my friends place with my Wii-console.
Over and out!
torsdag, augusti 16, 2007
Test after test
Pretty much, thats what I do all day ;) Test the client on the phones we have. Soon done, boy that's gonna feel so good. A little in between I take a small break and watch some interesting videos on the interwebs :) below are some I really liked.
I just might (maybe) go and see this movie ;)
This 'Human Slingshot' was pretty funny too
When I get home today I'll burn some Wii games to try on my Wii, since most of my other burnt games aren't working I'm starting to think that it is the burner/discs that are faulty. So I bought some new Verbatim DVD+R and DVD-R to try on.
This just in... I know your gonna love it, I did :D
I just might (maybe) go and see this movie ;)
This 'Human Slingshot' was pretty funny too
When I get home today I'll burn some Wii games to try on my Wii, since most of my other burnt games aren't working I'm starting to think that it is the burner/discs that are faulty. So I bought some new Verbatim DVD+R and DVD-R to try on.
This just in... I know your gonna love it, I did :D
onsdag, augusti 15, 2007
The day after...
So this is the day after my birthday (yes it was yesterday the 14:th) didn't post yesterday since I didn't have the time ;) I got my Wii modified with a WiiKey :) But now I'm only curious about the noname DVD-Rs I have at home. The Wii will play the Zelda game but when I start to play CoD3 or Mario Party 8 then I get a disc read error, very annoying. So after reading on some forums and asking at my previous job I figured out that either Verbatim or TDK works, DVD+R has to be burnt using a certain booktype in imgburn and at a slow speed of 1x-2x. So just to be on the safe side I bought Verbatim DVD-R and DVD+R to test on the releases I have at home.
Today I've been testing alot of phones, some of them work flawlessly others do not :( but I just report in the bad ones with what went wrong or didn't work. And the ones that do work I test them fully and write it all down in this test document we have to follow. Pretty easy work but still I could be doing more fun stuff like programming :/ my CTO has promised me that I can do some programming once the testing of the phones are done and ater our release to our first customer has been done. So I'm looking forward to work here in the future, since there is going to be more programming tasks up ahead :)
Well time flies and today I have to hit the gym since I ate alot of cake last night :P after the gym I'll probably try out some Wii games again to see if I can rule out my noname-branded DVD-Rs. Smell you later alligator ;)
Today I've been testing alot of phones, some of them work flawlessly others do not :( but I just report in the bad ones with what went wrong or didn't work. And the ones that do work I test them fully and write it all down in this test document we have to follow. Pretty easy work but still I could be doing more fun stuff like programming :/ my CTO has promised me that I can do some programming once the testing of the phones are done and ater our release to our first customer has been done. So I'm looking forward to work here in the future, since there is going to be more programming tasks up ahead :)
Well time flies and today I have to hit the gym since I ate alot of cake last night :P after the gym I'll probably try out some Wii games again to see if I can rule out my noname-branded DVD-Rs. Smell you later alligator ;)
fredag, augusti 10, 2007
My opinion of the Wii
Soo after a long evening of playing on my new Wii what do I think of it? It's a hell of a sweet entertainment system, I started of with the Wii Sports (doesn't everyone do that?) and after playing every game on that disc atleast 1 time I moved on to Rayman Raving Rabbids and buy was that fun, the controls are simple to understand and use. The gameing experience is very satisfying because everything you do in the game is based upon the interactions with the controls. For instance "you" run around with your plunge gun and shoot rabbits, when your empty just shake the nunchuck and you'll reload. Another event you have to aim with your Wii-mote and then shake the nunchuck to close a toilet door (your keeping watch over 4 doors).
After that (workout) I continued with the game Red Steel, and I must say that I was impressed by how you control your character. Click on the name to see the trailer for the game. And it's pretty much the same that they show in the trailer, you make a movement with either the nunchuck or the wii-mote and your character does the same thing in the game. The game is in first person so you only see the hands but it's very well done. If you tilt your hand while holding a gun, your character also tilts the gun.
Today my muscles in my arms are sore, but that isn't going to change the fact that I will be playing today too. My mom called me today and asked if I wanted to play golf on Sunday with a friend of hers and my baby brother so I said sure I can do that. But then I remembered that I haven't played golf since I started studying at the university. So today after my workout at the gym I'm gonna grab my golfbag and head down to the course/range to hit some balls to get the feeling back again, it's just like when you learn how to ride a bike it sticks with you for the rest of your life but without training you gradually get worse ;) So that's what I'm gonna do once I get home after the gym. Then after that I'll probably play some on my Wii or fix the website. But now I'm off so see you later s**kers! =)
After that (workout) I continued with the game Red Steel, and I must say that I was impressed by how you control your character. Click on the name to see the trailer for the game. And it's pretty much the same that they show in the trailer, you make a movement with either the nunchuck or the wii-mote and your character does the same thing in the game. The game is in first person so you only see the hands but it's very well done. If you tilt your hand while holding a gun, your character also tilts the gun.
Today my muscles in my arms are sore, but that isn't going to change the fact that I will be playing today too. My mom called me today and asked if I wanted to play golf on Sunday with a friend of hers and my baby brother so I said sure I can do that. But then I remembered that I haven't played golf since I started studying at the university. So today after my workout at the gym I'm gonna grab my golfbag and head down to the course/range to hit some balls to get the feeling back again, it's just like when you learn how to ride a bike it sticks with you for the rest of your life but without training you gradually get worse ;) So that's what I'm gonna do once I get home after the gym. Then after that I'll probably play some on my Wii or fix the website. But now I'm off so see you later s**kers! =)
torsdag, augusti 09, 2007
And so here we are, the day my life changed ;) got an text message which says that I can go and pickup my brand new Wii :D once I got that message I ran down to Webhallen which is a generic computer/game/console store and bought a wii-mote and a nunchuck. I'm also thinking of buying a WiiKey so I can play backup games but that is a later matter, Ooo look at the time only 5 more minutes and I'm out the door and on my way home :D
I'll maybe take tomorrow off ;) (or maybe not). This post wont be so long since I don't want to be at work more then I have to :P But I will for sure get back with a full evaluation of the console once I get out of my wii-coma ;)
Gotta run!
Okey a fun video that I saw today enjoy!
I'll maybe take tomorrow off ;) (or maybe not). This post wont be so long since I don't want to be at work more then I have to :P But I will for sure get back with a full evaluation of the console once I get out of my wii-coma ;)
Gotta run!
Okey a fun video that I saw today enjoy!
tisdag, augusti 07, 2007
There wii have it ;)
Okey okey so today I decided to buy myself a new console and guess which one it was? ;) But ofcurse it is the Nintendo Wii :) Both my baby brother and my friend has an Xbox360 so I don't really feel like buying one right away, but no one else of my friends has a Wii so I'll be the first one to have it :D Boy I'm looking forward to see the advice-note from the postal office, then I'll be running to them and fetching the console as fast as possible. I bought it online and right after I purchased my order I called customer service to ask how fast I could bee expecting the delivery and the guy says that at the latest this Friday, that will be super since then it's weekend and boy I'm gonna play :D probably buy some beers and invite some friends and we'll go nuts on it :D
Heard that the plane from Chicago (which my big brothers wife and their kids where going to take) was delayed :( hope that everyone got home safe and sound. I guess they'll be tierd as hell and probably sleep through the whole day ;) During their flight (and always at the last minute as it seems) I made a first attempt to make the website for aisleofblooms.com hope that they like it :) I got the template from webpagedesign.com.au. There now I don't have to have the link on the template since someone is reading my blog and could click on the link to their website :D their templates are totally free of use check it out.
Here is a link to the campaign where I bought my Nintendo Wii
Back to work I guess, have to test some more phones before the deadline which is coming soon (I guess). 'Goodby and thanks for all the fish'
Heard that the plane from Chicago (which my big brothers wife and their kids where going to take) was delayed :( hope that everyone got home safe and sound. I guess they'll be tierd as hell and probably sleep through the whole day ;) During their flight (and always at the last minute as it seems) I made a first attempt to make the website for aisleofblooms.com hope that they like it :) I got the template from webpagedesign.com.au. There now I don't have to have the link on the template since someone is reading my blog and could click on the link to their website :D their templates are totally free of use check it out.
Here is a link to the campaign where I bought my Nintendo Wii
Back to work I guess, have to test some more phones before the deadline which is coming soon (I guess). 'Goodby and thanks for all the fish'
måndag, augusti 06, 2007
Xbox 360 vs. Wii
Yepp that's the question that I ask myself. This weekend I was with my friends and played/tested some xbox360 games, I must say that I really like the console alot. But the interaction possibilities in the Wii are outstanding, I'm blackballing the PS3 since it only has the powerful engine but not so much to do with it. Also Sony "stole" the idéa that Nintendo had developed for the gameplay interaction, such as the Wii-mote and Nunchuck. Sonys pathetic try to add the motion sensor into their controler only made the gaming experience "worse". Now I can't say that for a fact but after reading a bunch of reviews and looking at some comparison-videos, I still blackball the PS3 for it's lack of newthinking hardware, the PS3 is just like the PS2 only upgraded.
Well all that complaining leads me down to whether I'm gonna buy a Wii or Xbox360, I love the cotrols in the Wii but the xbox360 is the ultimate multi-media console whilst the Nintendo Wii is the best game experience console since you get to interact so much when you play (thats what it is basically built for to let the player interact with the game as much as possible).
Here is a comparison trailer of CoD3 on all 3 consoles and I can only say that, yes the Wiis graphics aren't astonishing but that isn't what counts when you talk about the Wii. Trailer at GameTrailers.com
One of the games that I'm most interested in on Wii is Red Steel this video shows partly game partly the gamer and how he plays/interacts with the game.
Damn it, it's so har to choose :( I really want a new console but I don't know which one, if I'm going to think financially smart I should buy the Nintendo Wii since it is much cheaper than the Xbox360. But then yet again, if I wait a month or 2 then the Xbox360 will probably be cheaper to. Well well guess I just have to wait and see what will happen in the near future ;) have to pay off the loans I have first before I buy a new console :P
Only 45 minutes left until I can go home, boy it's been a long day (or atleast it feels like it). C U!
Well all that complaining leads me down to whether I'm gonna buy a Wii or Xbox360, I love the cotrols in the Wii but the xbox360 is the ultimate multi-media console whilst the Nintendo Wii is the best game experience console since you get to interact so much when you play (thats what it is basically built for to let the player interact with the game as much as possible).
Here is a comparison trailer of CoD3 on all 3 consoles and I can only say that, yes the Wiis graphics aren't astonishing but that isn't what counts when you talk about the Wii. Trailer at GameTrailers.com
One of the games that I'm most interested in on Wii is Red Steel this video shows partly game partly the gamer and how he plays/interacts with the game.
Damn it, it's so har to choose :( I really want a new console but I don't know which one, if I'm going to think financially smart I should buy the Nintendo Wii since it is much cheaper than the Xbox360. But then yet again, if I wait a month or 2 then the Xbox360 will probably be cheaper to. Well well guess I just have to wait and see what will happen in the near future ;) have to pay off the loans I have first before I buy a new console :P
Only 45 minutes left until I can go home, boy it's been a long day (or atleast it feels like it). C U!
fredag, augusti 03, 2007
Fast but slow
So another week has passed now (soon anyway). Today is friday (yaye!) and after work today I'll be heading home and hitting the gym. Cardio workout... a well it's not that much fun to workout but atleast I get in shape :) This week has gone by pretty fast since I wasn't at work this monday (came home from Turkey) but still today has been a very slow day. Just been testing different cellphones if I can download the client and run it it's OK but if it's not doing that then it goes on a special list that we need to attend to once every phone is tested.
Returned my new Bluetooth headset that I bought yesterday since my phone isn't capable of playing music on it, I can recieve calls with it but not play music and that is the main thing I'm using my phone for (playing music). So I went back to the store, returned it and instead of refunding all that I have paid for the headset I bought a new one that I was sure of was going to work with my phone. And I also upgraded my MemoryStick Pro Duo from 512MB to a 4GB card and I still got some money back ;)
Time flies when your having fun they say but I'm not having fun today at work so the time doesn't fly by me today :( anyway I'm off in 15 min ;) The weather is cloudy and maybe rain. Depending of someone pokes a hole into the clouds. My baby brother came by and visited me today, got some new energy out of that since he wanted to go to the 3 store that's right across the street from my office so I joined him and got some fresh air. Hmm I think I need to warn my big brother that this is his last weekend before the "storm" ;) when his wife and kids comes home. I have already installed my computer in my old room and I'm going to start building the webpage for my big brothers wife once I get back from the gym today.
Well well look at the time ;) it "flies" by and it's almost time to go home (hehe) so I just need to fix a few things and then head on home :D Catch you later!
Returned my new Bluetooth headset that I bought yesterday since my phone isn't capable of playing music on it, I can recieve calls with it but not play music and that is the main thing I'm using my phone for (playing music). So I went back to the store, returned it and instead of refunding all that I have paid for the headset I bought a new one that I was sure of was going to work with my phone. And I also upgraded my MemoryStick Pro Duo from 512MB to a 4GB card and I still got some money back ;)
Time flies when your having fun they say but I'm not having fun today at work so the time doesn't fly by me today :( anyway I'm off in 15 min ;) The weather is cloudy and maybe rain. Depending of someone pokes a hole into the clouds. My baby brother came by and visited me today, got some new energy out of that since he wanted to go to the 3 store that's right across the street from my office so I joined him and got some fresh air. Hmm I think I need to warn my big brother that this is his last weekend before the "storm" ;) when his wife and kids comes home. I have already installed my computer in my old room and I'm going to start building the webpage for my big brothers wife once I get back from the gym today.
Well well look at the time ;) it "flies" by and it's almost time to go home (hehe) so I just need to fix a few things and then head on home :D Catch you later!
onsdag, augusti 01, 2007
New interesting games!
So during the slow hours at work today I was browsing youtube and found the "archive" of E3 movies from this years E3 show. The videos was from GameTrailers which has covered anything new in the gaming world. So I started watching these movies of best strategy-/online-/sports-/action adventure-/first person-/3rd person game. Alot of new games are coming that I want to try/buy. The list is as follows:
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (1st person shooter)
- World in Conflict (Strategy)
- Assassins Creed (3rd person action)
- Half-Life 2: The Orange Box (1st person shooter)
- Skate (Sports)
- The Darkness (1st person shooter)
- Bioshock (1st person shooter)
- Far Cry: Crysis (1st person shooter)
- Madden NFL 08 (Sports)
- Medal of Honor: Airborne (1st person shooter?)
The videos at youtube
Well as you can see there are many games I want to try out :) And I will probably try them and write about them here. Also for the record I'm thinking/planning to buy a Nintendo Wii, I love that console with all it's functionality, especially the controls. I guess I'll be upgrading my graphics card to a DX 10 one so it can show me all those yummie graphics that the games nowadays offer :)
The last game on the list is a game that is what I think revolutionary, since when you deploy a mission it never plays out the same way as last time you played it. You are able to plan the strategy ahead and then execute it :) Really looking forward to these games. My wallet is gonna bleed money ;)
Well soon it's time to go home, once I get home I'll pack a bag and hit the gym. Yesterday I signed up for a whole year, so now I can go and exercise everey day in the week and "any" time during the day. It feels good to start getting in shape.
Maybe a cup of coffee and I'll be able to endure the last hour of work before I go home :) Later skater!
Ooh yeah gonna do a little wohoo since it's my 50th post ;)
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (1st person shooter)
- World in Conflict (Strategy)
- Assassins Creed (3rd person action)
- Half-Life 2: The Orange Box (1st person shooter)
- Skate (Sports)
- The Darkness (1st person shooter)
- Bioshock (1st person shooter)
- Far Cry: Crysis (1st person shooter)
- Madden NFL 08 (Sports)
- Medal of Honor: Airborne (1st person shooter?)
The videos at youtube
Well as you can see there are many games I want to try out :) And I will probably try them and write about them here. Also for the record I'm thinking/planning to buy a Nintendo Wii, I love that console with all it's functionality, especially the controls. I guess I'll be upgrading my graphics card to a DX 10 one so it can show me all those yummie graphics that the games nowadays offer :)
The last game on the list is a game that is what I think revolutionary, since when you deploy a mission it never plays out the same way as last time you played it. You are able to plan the strategy ahead and then execute it :) Really looking forward to these games. My wallet is gonna bleed money ;)
Well soon it's time to go home, once I get home I'll pack a bag and hit the gym. Yesterday I signed up for a whole year, so now I can go and exercise everey day in the week and "any" time during the day. It feels good to start getting in shape.
Maybe a cup of coffee and I'll be able to endure the last hour of work before I go home :) Later skater!
Ooh yeah gonna do a little wohoo since it's my 50th post ;)
tisdag, juli 31, 2007
Back in business
That was that vacation in Turkey, wounder where I'll be off to next? I'm thinking of a trip back to the US and maybe a trip to Canada :) Whistler FTW! But this time we'll stay a bit longer than a weekend. It was soo awsome to be there :D All this icecream eating and goodies that I've been eating in Turkey has turned me into a real fatto (although my big brothers wife doesn't think so) I need to get in shape again :( well atleast I will feel better and have a better self-confidence :)
My first day back at work (big mistake) I should really have taken this day off since I was so tired when I got back home yesterday and ofcurse didn't I go to bed right away after dinner. No I stayed up until 11 p.m talking to mom about what we have been doing down there. I found an apartment that I could have taken but didn't since I didn't feel like spending half of my first sallary on rent. I'm thinking of waiting a bit with getting myself an apartment on my own until I have a steady job.
Hmm when will those postcards arrive to my friends O_o I've written a little code word that I want them to say to me so they can recieve their presents, but still nothing yet :P Bet they will come sometime this week (I hope) :D
Ooh look at the time (almost) time to go home ;) well better start getting some more stuff done before I go home. Tata!
My first day back at work (big mistake) I should really have taken this day off since I was so tired when I got back home yesterday and ofcurse didn't I go to bed right away after dinner. No I stayed up until 11 p.m talking to mom about what we have been doing down there. I found an apartment that I could have taken but didn't since I didn't feel like spending half of my first sallary on rent. I'm thinking of waiting a bit with getting myself an apartment on my own until I have a steady job.
Hmm when will those postcards arrive to my friends O_o I've written a little code word that I want them to say to me so they can recieve their presents, but still nothing yet :P Bet they will come sometime this week (I hope) :D
Ooh look at the time (almost) time to go home ;) well better start getting some more stuff done before I go home. Tata!
fredag, juli 27, 2007
Hot I said HOT
Yes well here I am now blogging from Turkey, at the end of my trip I finally find a computer with internet on it ;) Well otherwise I've been hanging out at the beach all day watching beautiful babes and bathing. The water is wounderful and so are the ladies ;) When I'm downtown everyone looks at me and gets amazed about my height, usually they don't see so tall people as I am so I let them look. Some have been saying 'wow look how tall he is' in turkish ofcurse because I look like a tourist and therefore don't know the language ;) but I do so I turn to them and say 'thank you' and boy their faces, how amazed the get from hearing someone that looks kinda foreign to know the language.
Well sitting here at this internet cafe sweatting my ass off since there is no Air Condition in here O_o but still some windows are open to let some air flow through. I kinda miss home, since it's not that freaking hot during tha daytime. Sure it rains alot right now in Stockholm but I don't really care, for the moment I'm really looking forward to some colder weather. Everyday I sweat my ass off, cold showers, bathing in the ocean but still it gets to you. Just a tip to anyone thats going to a country like Turkey is to always take a cold shower before you go to sleep, trust me you will sleep better.
Well thats that from me, I'm signing out and drop you a line soon :) Maybe from Izmir or from Sweden. Tata!
Well sitting here at this internet cafe sweatting my ass off since there is no Air Condition in here O_o but still some windows are open to let some air flow through. I kinda miss home, since it's not that freaking hot during tha daytime. Sure it rains alot right now in Stockholm but I don't really care, for the moment I'm really looking forward to some colder weather. Everyday I sweat my ass off, cold showers, bathing in the ocean but still it gets to you. Just a tip to anyone thats going to a country like Turkey is to always take a cold shower before you go to sleep, trust me you will sleep better.
Well thats that from me, I'm signing out and drop you a line soon :) Maybe from Izmir or from Sweden. Tata!
onsdag, juli 18, 2007
Slow day
This got to be one of the slowest days of my life... not lazy, it's just been going so slow today. Came to work (first in) sat down took a coffee, ate my 2 sandwiches for breakfast and read the newspaper. All day long I've been testing our client on some of the phones we have which are requested/demanded to work on by our customer. And now I leave for a nice 2 week long vacation :D
tisdag, juli 17, 2007
Dead tired
As usuall every morning I'm tired as hell when I get to work. Today wasn't any different :( Yesterday after work I met with this girl that I've been talking to over the interweb ;) and we went out to grab a coffee, after a while sitting and talking we decided that we wanted to get something to eat (for dinner) so we also went to grab a bite. During these 3 hours which we talked about everything, I didn't get that chemical reaction or spark or what ever you want to call it. Everytime we text eachother or chat on the internet I get that strange butterfly feeling in my stomach, but yesterday I felt nothing when we where togheter. Not a damn thing, and it didn't help to think about her relationship with this other dude that shes been with for like 8 years.
She is the same age as I am so she hooked up with this dude when she was in high-school O_o of well, since I didn't really feel anything I'm thinking that this isn't anything to get emotionally involved in. As of right now only thinking of another girl, I don't know what it is with her but everytime I talk to her my heart makes volts. But the one thing that kinda scares me for the moment is that she want to have kids, sure I want that to in the future but I get the feeling that she wants to have them like right away. That would be a bit too soon for me, atleast I want to travel around the globe 1 time or do something "crazy" before I settle down and start a family. I'm up for practicing of making babies but not the real deal right now.
As usual when work is slow I surf around and stopped at youtube ;) and I found this new game that I totally wanna try out (below is the video interview from this years E3) It's 5:51 minutes long.
That would be all from right now!
She is the same age as I am so she hooked up with this dude when she was in high-school O_o of well, since I didn't really feel anything I'm thinking that this isn't anything to get emotionally involved in. As of right now only thinking of another girl, I don't know what it is with her but everytime I talk to her my heart makes volts. But the one thing that kinda scares me for the moment is that she want to have kids, sure I want that to in the future but I get the feeling that she wants to have them like right away. That would be a bit too soon for me, atleast I want to travel around the globe 1 time or do something "crazy" before I settle down and start a family. I'm up for practicing of making babies but not the real deal right now.
As usual when work is slow I surf around and stopped at youtube ;) and I found this new game that I totally wanna try out (below is the video interview from this years E3) It's 5:51 minutes long.
That would be all from right now!
torsdag, juli 12, 2007
In other news...
The weather here in Sweden is like a lightswitch on/off. One day it's sunny the other it's raining, it could even happen all in one day. Like today, I woke up and the sun was shining, went to work and just before lunch it starts to rain. Typically Swedish weather during the summer ;) Soon like in 1 week from today I'll be on the beach with sand between my toes, I can hardly wait. At work I'm finishing one of the demands from one of our clients. I've entered the debug face and need some feedback from the server but the person (my project manager) isn't in right now so I take some time to write in my blog :)
The first testrun went pretty well, the server returned the correct value and I suppose that on my side I did store the information but the program just halted since I didn't tell it to continue. Changed a few things in the code and retried the attempt but noe my project manager isn't here to help me debug what might be wrong, since I need to know what happens on the server side at this point and he is the only one that handles it. Okey so I saw one more flaw and changed it now but still my pm hasn't arrived yet. Gotta catch him when he walks in the office.
Had sushi for lunch and dined with this beautiful girl I wrote about before ;) After lunch we went to the central station so she could catch the train to Uppsala. Waved her of and returned to work where I currently am :) But that will probably be all for today, I'll drop a line or two again tomorrow or in next week ;)
The first testrun went pretty well, the server returned the correct value and I suppose that on my side I did store the information but the program just halted since I didn't tell it to continue. Changed a few things in the code and retried the attempt but noe my project manager isn't here to help me debug what might be wrong, since I need to know what happens on the server side at this point and he is the only one that handles it. Okey so I saw one more flaw and changed it now but still my pm hasn't arrived yet. Gotta catch him when he walks in the office.
Had sushi for lunch and dined with this beautiful girl I wrote about before ;) After lunch we went to the central station so she could catch the train to Uppsala. Waved her of and returned to work where I currently am :) But that will probably be all for today, I'll drop a line or two again tomorrow or in next week ;)
tisdag, juli 10, 2007
Work work work
So here I am again... blogging... about? What I'm up to ofcurse :D as the topic says, work work work, that's all I ever do ;) but soon I'll have my sweet vacation. I'm going to Turkey (F-yeah!). Right now I'm kinda helping this girl with her relationship problems, she is in a sort of a road fork and doesn't really know what to do, so a few helping and supporting words should help her make the best decision for her.
Anyway I wrote before about the cardfraud, and I have gotten my new card now (it's a VISA) :( so now I can't go around and feel "proud" about having a MasterCard, since MasterCard has these kickass commercials like this one:
or why not this one:
Frankly I like the first one best of those two, there are more but I haven't found them, haven't been looking that hard for them ;)
Well I should get back to work now, a few hours left and then I get off work and can go home, have to have done something before this day is over.
Anyway I wrote before about the cardfraud, and I have gotten my new card now (it's a VISA) :( so now I can't go around and feel "proud" about having a MasterCard, since MasterCard has these kickass commercials like this one:
or why not this one:
Frankly I like the first one best of those two, there are more but I haven't found them, haven't been looking that hard for them ;)
Well I should get back to work now, a few hours left and then I get off work and can go home, have to have done something before this day is over.
torsdag, juli 05, 2007
Food, Commercials and an Ad
So here we are again :) Yesterday I worked late because the company bought us dinner, we went out to Texas Lognhorn (very nice place), I had a BigAss thats a 1.1 lbs big steak :D

That's a big jucy one :)
I found some funny axe/lynx commercials on youtube (actually I've already seen them on TV) but youtube is the perfect way to share :) hope you enjoy them.
Restaurant date
Dinner party
At the Dentist
Below is a picture of an ad I saw last week :) it's in swedish so only swedish reading/talking people will know what it's about.

The ad goes like this "Do a good deed, get laid". That's that for now :)
Over and out!
That's a big jucy one :)
I found some funny axe/lynx commercials on youtube (actually I've already seen them on TV) but youtube is the perfect way to share :) hope you enjoy them.
Restaurant date
Dinner party
At the Dentist
Below is a picture of an ad I saw last week :) it's in swedish so only swedish reading/talking people will know what it's about.
The ad goes like this "Do a good deed, get laid". That's that for now :)
Over and out!
tisdag, juli 03, 2007
So damn typical, today I got this mail that my cardnumber might be in the wrong hands and that I should contact my bank and block my current card and order a new one (for free of curse). This couldn't have come at a worse momet, because tomorrow I'm going on a lunch date with an old friend (a girl if you must know). Fortunately I have some spare cash on me but not enough to pay for her lunch aswell :( Anyhow, I blocked my card and ordered a new one, so tomorrow on the lunch date I guess she has to pay for herself (I think she is going to do so anyway).
Fun weekend with almost no sleep at all. Not between Friday and Saturday anyway, got almost 1 hour of rest before the night shift started, then when we got off the night shift around 8 a.m (it started at 1 a.m) we got to bed and slept for 1 hour then it was time to go and pick up some artists at Arlanda Airport. We drove them to their hotel and then we went back to the festival, once we got there we could sleep for another hour and then we got up and went to the hotel where we left the artists to pick them up and drive them to the festival. After that we where awake until 1 a.m Sunday morning, that's when the festival ended. At that point we had to drive the drunken band members back to their hotel and then we head back to the festival to finially go to sleep. We got the order that we sleep until we wake up and don't have to worry about anything else. Said and done :) slept almost 10 hours straight.
When I came home on Sunday evening I took a shower and went over to dads to see what they where up to. Same old, kids playing and stuff. Best part was that I had this Monday off so I could rest. Boy did I sleep, from midnight til noon :) after that I got up and made some brunch. After the brunch I watched some TV but fell asleep on the couch for 2 hours. Woke up and went over to dads to have some dinner. Went back home and went to sleep again since today was a regular work day :P which tomorrow also is, so now I have to sign out and go to bed :P
Fun weekend with almost no sleep at all. Not between Friday and Saturday anyway, got almost 1 hour of rest before the night shift started, then when we got off the night shift around 8 a.m (it started at 1 a.m) we got to bed and slept for 1 hour then it was time to go and pick up some artists at Arlanda Airport. We drove them to their hotel and then we went back to the festival, once we got there we could sleep for another hour and then we got up and went to the hotel where we left the artists to pick them up and drive them to the festival. After that we where awake until 1 a.m Sunday morning, that's when the festival ended. At that point we had to drive the drunken band members back to their hotel and then we head back to the festival to finially go to sleep. We got the order that we sleep until we wake up and don't have to worry about anything else. Said and done :) slept almost 10 hours straight.
When I came home on Sunday evening I took a shower and went over to dads to see what they where up to. Same old, kids playing and stuff. Best part was that I had this Monday off so I could rest. Boy did I sleep, from midnight til noon :) after that I got up and made some brunch. After the brunch I watched some TV but fell asleep on the couch for 2 hours. Woke up and went over to dads to have some dinner. Went back home and went to sleep again since today was a regular work day :P which tomorrow also is, so now I have to sign out and go to bed :P
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