lördag, november 25, 2006

Movie and some gaming

Yaarrr there maties!

So I have had a fun day today, started with my alarmclock which I snoozed 2 times and the 3rd time I thought I snoozed I acctually turned it off, I was just going to sleep for another 5 more minutes (the time was 8.30 am when this occured), when I woke up again the time was 10.30 (I swear it felt like I had just slept for 5-10 more minutes. Anyhow I get up and rush off to the bathroom to get ready to go to school. When I came to school my lab partner was already there reading about the exam we are about to have on monday in Cisco CCNP1 (not too fun to read about but it's good knowledge). After lunch my lab partner decides that he is done for the week and goes home, so I finish reading what I have started and then I just didn't do very much.

"Time flies when you are having fun" they say, well the time got to 7.45 pm and I and some of my classmates are heading downtown to go see the new bond movie (Casino Royale), damn that movie was mighty good. I highly recommend it (well I am a bond fan after all) ;) When the movie is over we walk to the student pub and hade a few beers, then we went back up to our classroom and sat down to play some computergames. Did that until 4-5 am then we got tired and walked home. So now here I am, sitting here in my wounderful computer chair and typing this blogg. My eyelids are getting extreamly heavy so I think... no I don't think I'm going to hit the sack asap, so I guess I'll write a line or two tomorrow :)

Good night (or god morning since the time is 6.30 am now)!

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